Sensory: ear defenders, bright lights, smells and textures

Hi, I would like people's help on stopping my sensory problems keeping me in the house.

I feel like I am overwhelmed and sickened by everything mentioned in the topic bar, and my head hurts constantly.  

At at this moment, the tv is on, the washer is on, and I live next to a busy road, and I can't hear any of it without feeling sick and crushed.

If I taste certain things, or smell something's, I am sick and can't function.

I I am in a supermarket, I feel like I have had a drug, and feel overwhelmed.

I would like to know about other people's ways of coping with these things.  I'm also 31, so need adult sized and descrete ear defenders, if they are out there?

I tell the doctors about these problems, and have never had any help, so hope this community can.

Thank you in advance


  • You can get these in different types and costs. I use audio technica quietpoint in-ear earbuds. These make a real difference and at around £50 are not too expensive. 

    You can either use them with or without music. I find that my own choice of music or a pod-cast or audiobook can really shut the world out.

  • You can get these in different types and costs. I use audio technica quietpoint in-ear earbuds. These make a real difference and at around £50 are not too expensive. 

    You can either use them with or without music. I find that my own choice of music or a pod-cast or audiobook can really shut the world out.

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