Balancing healthy eating with enjoyable eating

It's something I'm not good at. The reasons encompass none to good cooking skills, poor menu planning  ability, and not liking much of the food items  touted as 'healthy foods' . I don't want to live to a long age while not enjoying what I eat.I've always liked  salads. However One thing I struggle with nowadays, that wasn't a problem when younger,is digesting salad. 

  • What about those frozen meal delivery services? They will deliver a months worth of meals that can go straight into your freezer and taken out and microwaved, I think there are diferent meal options, but they're aimed at the elderly and those who have problems cooking. As to whether you'd like them or not is a different matter entirely and one down to personal taste.

    I'm lucky in that I love cooking and am quite adventurous within my limitations.

  • What about those frozen meal delivery services?

    I have an account with Wiltshire farm foods , and have tried Parsley box via an offer my daughter came across at her work(branch manager of a home care company) Parsley  box uses a method that allows you to store the meals in your food cupboard for up to 6 months. Most have alcohol in them. I'm not at all knowledgeable   about the preserving of food. Alcohol helps that process? Unfortunately the quality of their meals isn't great IMO. Also they tend to have less veg in them than the Wiltshire farm food meals.

    I currently have a full freezer as my daughter came round this morning with meals she's prepared me.

  • I've never tried any of the meal delivery services partly because I don't need them, but even if I did, I doubt if they'd cope with my dietry requirements.

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