
For many autistic persons a problem and a half. I'm currently in 'can I get to the toilet in time ?!'  mode

  • I hadn't planned to post about my bowels, but since you've introduced the subject... :) 

    I recently had a sigmoidoscopy and was diagnosed with diverticular disease (DICA 3), with complications of rigidity and stenosis / abnormal narrowing.

    Since they also found polyps, I've been rebooked for a colonoscopy, when they'll also remove them. And - bonus prize - I'll need regular checks in future. Oh joy! [heavy sarcasm].

  • I hadn't planned to post about my bowels, but since you've introduced the subject... :) 

    I recently had a sigmoidoscopy and was diagnosed with diverticular disease (DICA 3), with complications of rigidity and stenosis / abnormal narrowing.

    Since they also found polyps, I've been rebooked for a colonoscopy, when they'll also remove them. And - bonus prize - I'll need regular checks in future. Oh joy! [heavy sarcasm].

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