Clutter Begets Sensory Overload

Two days ago I recently changed the layout of my living room and purged a skip/dumpster full of clutter and I feel less overloaded & relaxed now that it's done. 

Has anyone else felt this way?Slight smile

  • Just like with the idea of children being told to “tidy your room” or military style room or quarters inspections to maintain standards of military discipline, many people still believe that the only way to manage autism is via ultra strict milltary style discipline by means of a live-in carer or mentor or other person like a parent, a priest or a nun to maintain good order and discipline like an autism “boot camp” 

  • Just like with the idea of children being told to “tidy your room” or military style room or quarters inspections to maintain standards of military discipline, many people still believe that the only way to manage autism is via ultra strict milltary style discipline by means of a live-in carer or mentor or other person like a parent, a priest or a nun to maintain good order and discipline like an autism “boot camp” 
