Clutter Begets Sensory Overload

Two days ago I recently changed the layout of my living room and purged a skip/dumpster full of clutter and I feel less overloaded & relaxed now that it's done. 

Has anyone else felt this way?Slight smile

  • Your comment reminded me of Miranda with her favourite words like 'plunge'. I had a really difficult week last week, so when my family went out I sat and watched 4 episodes of Miranda in a row. I have watched them many times before but still find something I have missed before. There was even one bit when I laughed out loud. 

  • I am not overly tidy, but I do find clutter gives me overload. I have to have purges of tidying into cupboards where possible, especially in the kitchen. One thing I have found really helpful if there is stuff that needs to be around is to make sure one wall in my lounge is uncluttered so I can sit facing that to relax.

  • Yes, I hate mess and we have no dust collecting ornaments in my home.

  • Who are these people of whom you speak? Can they be told what to do with thier fascism with words containing lots of FF's and BB's

  • Just like with the idea of children being told to “tidy your room” or military style room or quarters inspections to maintain standards of military discipline, many people still believe that the only way to manage autism is via ultra strict milltary style discipline by means of a live-in carer or mentor or other person like a parent, a priest or a nun to maintain good order and discipline like an autism “boot camp” 

  • I am exceptionally low in *spoons at the moment so I am going to use up my last one to just say: I love the word 'begets'.

    Thank you for choosing it.

    Every time I read that word it relaxes me.


  • congrats. I purge daily.

  • I struggle terribly with clutter. My house is so cluttered and no matter how hard we try me and my wife cant seem to unclutter it. Its a real sensory overload 

  • Yes I love to declutter and throw stuff away and have a clear space to be in. I  can throw away stuff I later realise I need though. But still love that feeling. I love to clean my space too. Gives me sense of peace. 

  • We've got three of those glass fronted things, and I'd like all of them and their contents gone, even behind the glass the bug me and some of them really freak me out.

  • The dust collectors:

    I have adopted a two-stage tactic I observed my Grandmother successfully employed:

    1) ornaments of contextual meaning, artistic admiration, suit our taste or decor, or of my personal purchase ...are on display, here and there, (not in great number) where I or my household enjoy seeing them around the house.  These are the items I enjoy keeping in good order and rotating between rooms from time to time.

    2) ...then there are the venerable dust collectors (usually unexpected gifts or those inherited "heirlooms" viewed by other relatives).  May I introduce: the glazed ornaments cupboard!  Things are carefully placed on the various shelves for longer-term storage and display.  No dusting involved.  Visiting relatives and gift-givers can see them in protected display (as they are not hidden in a drawer or a standard cupboard).  Over time there is: review, tactful disposal, or onward custodianship of "heirlooms" is conferred upon younger relatives as a natural opportunity presents itself (usually, accompanied by a note from me; ensuring they know it is theirs to enjoy or re-gift as they deem fit).

  • Ohh yes, thats why I want more and better storage, there are things I want or need to keep, but I don't want them on display. Mostly I'd like to get rid of everyone elses stuff, all the ornaments and other dust catchers.

  • Hello, it's very satisfying isn't it? I love space to move about. I think that's why I've recently become obsessed with changing my living room's decor into something more, contemporary. The illusion of space coupled with the destruction of those feelings of - claustrophobia, chaos and confinement. 

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Slight smile 

  • Hi

    I throw everything that I feel is messy away, sometimes I can be a little hasty and throw away something useful. I cannot tolerate clutter and mess and order makes me feel good.