To hot and don't feel well

I have this odd sort of seasonal affective disorder where I get it in summer rather than winter. I over heat, my BP drops and I can't cool down, my skin itches and feels like it's burning, the sun reigns hammer blows on my head even when I'm inside. I have trouble swallowing and have to force myself to drink enough, but I'm thirsty all the time and sweat loads. I can't sleep properly and yet I don't see able to wake up properly either, I just exist in this twilight zone. I'm dizzy even when sitting and I ache all over and feel sick.

The doctors can find nothing wrong, I've tried researching it online and either get nothing or if summer sad is mentioned its said to be a depressive illness, because of course if you're not outside enjoying the sunshine you must be a miserable git and it's all your own fault, never could it be something actually physical!

Does anyone else get this? Could it be an autistic thing? Or a fybromyalgia thing?

  • I 've noticed there's 2 members here. With cats in their username. Cat loving man and cat woman. I think they need to hook up. They can talk cats, in the sweltering summer sun, go to a cat shelter, rescue a cat. Go to one of those at bars, where they serve food sourrounded by cats. Do other fun related cat activities. It sounds psychosomatic. Or psychosomata-cat-ic.

    If cat woman is married with children and active social life, then disregard my suggestions LOL

  • I 've noticed there's 2 members here. With cats in their username. Cat loving man and cat woman. I think they need to hook up. They can talk cats, in the sweltering summer sun, go to a cat shelter, rescue a cat. Go to one of those at bars, where they serve food sourrounded by cats. Do other fun related cat activities. It sounds psychosomatic. Or psychosomata-cat-ic.

    If cat woman is married with children and active social life, then disregard my suggestions LOL
