To hot and don't feel well

I have this odd sort of seasonal affective disorder where I get it in summer rather than winter. I over heat, my BP drops and I can't cool down, my skin itches and feels like it's burning, the sun reigns hammer blows on my head even when I'm inside. I have trouble swallowing and have to force myself to drink enough, but I'm thirsty all the time and sweat loads. I can't sleep properly and yet I don't see able to wake up properly either, I just exist in this twilight zone. I'm dizzy even when sitting and I ache all over and feel sick.

The doctors can find nothing wrong, I've tried researching it online and either get nothing or if summer sad is mentioned its said to be a depressive illness, because of course if you're not outside enjoying the sunshine you must be a miserable git and it's all your own fault, never could it be something actually physical!

Does anyone else get this? Could it be an autistic thing? Or a fybromyalgia thing?

  • Hi there replied to cat woman I am on here to support and recieve support have no interest in hook ups or dating thank you

  • Hi Cat woman I agree with you and sorry you got that comment.I use try name because I love my cats and i treat them like adults and worship them.That is all.I do not do hook ups as I love being single.

    You are a lovely lady cat lady but I mean lovely as you have sent me many lovely supportive messages and I hope i do the same.As far as I am concerned this is a forum for the community ti get together and support each other.I try and other wise words when i can and value the wise words i receive.

    On this basis any advice on my double jeopardy.This is my court date for a criminal offence not guilty and it is outrageous my full story will be told when over and the Council now upgrading to a CPN for the same nonsense and a court appearance needed for that.If I trivialise slightly imagine with parking tickets if two firms  could fine you for the some alleged infringement !

  • Thanks a bunch you two, one of the things that makes talking about stuff like this the childishness of people like you!

  • I 've noticed there's 2 members here. With cats in their username. Cat loving man and cat woman. I think they need to hook up. They can talk cats, in the sweltering summer sun, go to a cat shelter, rescue a cat. Go to one of those at bars, where they serve food sourrounded by cats. Do other fun related cat activities. It sounds psychosomatic. Or psychosomata-cat-ic.

    If cat woman is married with children and active social life, then disregard my suggestions LOL

  • I thought it made you look older..?

    With a little colour (ie tan, not burn) it makes you look healthier than the pale complexion many stay-at-home people have.

    In that way it makes you look better I suppose.

  • I dunno I don’t think so. Helps your skin and stuff because of the vitamin d. having said that too much sun can do harm to skin. Just like everything take it in moderation. 

  • Sunshine is great for your health. Plus makes you look younger

    I thought it made you look older..?

  • Ah it’s nothing just enjoy the sun. Go drink something to cool yourself down. A cold pint of Coca Cola or even water whatever takes your fancy. Sunshine is great for your health. Plus makes you look younger.

  • I’ve not heard that before. To my knowledge it is not life reducing. Lots of people have it and manage the symptoms their whole life. But like I say, I am not a doctor and not giving medical advice. Just my own experience. I always believe that everyone knows their body best so I think you will know more than anyone else what is going on potentially. All the best. Wishing you easier days 

  • Having just looked at this some more I don't think it is or I'd be dead by now as the survival rate after diagnosis is 6-9 years, I wouldn't of made it out of childhood if I had that. Thanks though, it's all usefull.

  • Thanks for that, I think it maybe dysautonomia, I will have to raise it with my GP. I've never heard of it before, but it does describe a lot of my symptoms.

  • Hi I am not a doctor and am not giving medical advice. I don’t know why you are feeling this way but I am sorry that you are. Have you looked into dysautonomia? I experience some of the same symptoms as you and the heat makes them worse. Another thing to look into is MCAS, Again something I struggle with and doctors find it hard to diagnose due to the various different symptoms. I am not a doctor though but just thought I would mention in case you haven’t heard of these and it may or may not explain some of your symptoms. 

  • yes I hate the heat too gets me down !

  • Thanks FH, I've just had a look at the symptoms of eythromyalgia, whilst it sounds similar I don't think it is that, the burning and itching tend be all over, my upper arms and body. As far as I can remember I've had it most of my life, I've never been good with hot weather.

    I don't think it's allergy related, I think it might be more to do with fybromyalgia and not being able to regulate my temperature properly, fybromyalgia isn't well understood and the only treatment I've been offered was an antidepressant, I was told not to drive if it made me drowsy or operated heavy machinery, but I could operate a dustpan and brush! I sat in front of the unlit stove for about 20 mins trying to remember what I was doing with these things in my hands.

    I've been tested for all sorts of weird and wonderful things, including lupus and some of the rarer rhumatiod conditions, everything comes back negative.

    I do have a load of allergies, including an intollerance of antihistamines, they make me lactate, whilst it wouldn't stop me taking them for something major, it's enough to make me not take them for normal things on a daily basis. Lactating gets uncomfortable and then one time I got mastitis which was horribly painful and sore. The worst thing is that antihistamines don't seem to work, they don't reduce the symptoms of hayfever or anything else I've taken them for I just get the side effects. There are a few medications that don't work on me, valium is one, I can take huge doses with no more effect than a cup of chamomile tea, even a 60ml intravenous dose only calmed me down for about 30 mins before I started fighting again and I walked home. I get a similar thing with opiates they do calm the pain down but that wears off quickly and the side effects kick in, hallucinations, white noise in both visually and noise, white noise and everything getting bright and a bit cartoonish are the milder side effects, full blown hallucinations are horrible, I've never been so glad of my misspent youth as then, I knew it was the drugs and I just had to sit it out and wait for them to wear off, but it was horrible and I was a real pain in the bum when I became convinced the drip tube was sawing my arm off. In fact my veins had collapsed and a canual gets quite uncomfortable, by the way I've never been an intravenous drug user.

    At least I mostly know what causes many of these things now, a mix of fybro and autism, apparently autistic women and girls are far more likely to show physical symptoms, such as allergies. I'm no longer told I should go on the pill, have a baby or HRT, and if they don't work antidepressants and stuff.

  • I showed my dad (who’s a doctor. Hope you don’t mind) and he said:

    “Maybe Erythromelalgia? I’m curious if there is any skin redness when this happens. It is a vasoactive disorder—I wonder if the person normally has blood pressure that runs on the high side. I think the SAD part (and potentially the sleep disturbance) is likely just secondary to the chronic condition. I lot of people with chronic conditions have changes in affect, especially as the experience their symptoms.

    From this, you can see the fun part of medicine. People often describe a lot of symptoms, but you have to filter what might be related and due to the primary diagnosis and what may just be secondary effects. For example, someone with a heart attack may have chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea, sweating, lightheadedness. These symptoms are all over the place (involve a lot of body systems). Learning to quickly filter which might be primary and secondarily causing the others is the fun part.“

    Idk if any of that is helpful at all?

  • I wonder if it's some kind of allergic reaction

    This one will be quite easy to test for - take some antihystamine and see if the symptoms subside.

    I have trouble swallowing and have to force myself to drink enough, but I'm thirsty all the time and sweat loads.

    You need to maintain your electrolites lost to sweat so I would consider the advice in this article:

    Addressing the above should help with the other symptoms too.

  • That was my first thought too

  • I wonder if it's some kind of allergic reaction, where that plant or tree or whatever that is, blooms in the summer. The itchy heated skin, the trouble swallowing, and body aches, it's like the body is trying to "heat up" to get rid of a foreign invader, and the immune system is kicking into high gear. But that's just what I imagine. 

  • I'm terrible in sunlight, but ok in the shade. My favourite seasons are Autumn and Spring. I hope that you feel better soon. Definitely keep up the water.