Jimi Hendrix

My favourite song of jimi Hendrix is ‘miracle worker’. Jimi says ‘there must be some kinda way outta here’. I believe there is a way. I don’t want to kill myself. I want justice. I want my mum to face consequences for abusing me and not loving me as a mother should. I want my life back she took it from me. She never gave me my love and for that I feel she should face the most severe punishment. All child abusers deserve the worst in life. They are not worth anything. There is nothing worse than a man or woman who abuses children. I want all the years back she took away from me. I want my childhood that I missed out on because I had to look after my passed out drunk mother. She doesn’t deserve children. I have missed out on so much because of her. She deserves to rot in hell. I am so angry. I wish nothing but pain on her never forgive never forget. Dear mum I hope you rot in hell for the rest of your existence for all the pain you have caused me. God is watching you. You will not get away with your abuse of children. I will probably die young due to being depressed bitter alcoholic all thanks to you for the pain you have caused me. I will haunt you. May you never rest in peace. Your son.

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