Diversity of reaction to burnout and overstimulation?

How do people experience these differently?

personally, a ‘meltdown’ (don’t like this term) for me takes the form of an intense headache (which can then last for 3 days despite painkillers) & need to be alone( not always possible),  whereas for my niece, she needs to scream when she’s overwhelmed. I just wondered if others also had differing experiences?p

  • Where is the headache located? That will tell you something. 

    I used to get stress-induced-anxiety headaches quite frequently until I made a massive lifestyle change. Now I get them rarely and take a half dose of anti-anxiety medication. They leave immediately and I make a note of what brought on the stress so to navigate it differently next time.

  • Where is the headache located? That will tell you something. 

    I used to get stress-induced-anxiety headaches quite frequently until I made a massive lifestyle change. Now I get them rarely and take a half dose of anti-anxiety medication. They leave immediately and I make a note of what brought on the stress so to navigate it differently next time.

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