
Having had bad posture all my life (hunched shoulders/rounded back) finding out it could be as a result of autism hypermobility/low tone felt groundbreaking, like it might not just be a personal failing. However, I would like to ‘stand up straighter’ as it would help multiple areas of my life. 
Has anyone found anything that helps? I do pilates most weeks and try to stand up straighter when I remember but struggle with body awareness and sensory things that lead me to hunch over (e.g. wearing bras).

thank you!

  • My balance, coordination, and posture have always been  rather crap . They've definitely worsened with age. My daughter often has to tell me to relax and stop hunching my shoulders.I've not found anything that helps, but hopefully others will recommend things you can try.

  • My balance, coordination, and posture have always been  rather crap . They've definitely worsened with age. My daughter often has to tell me to relax and stop hunching my shoulders.I've not found anything that helps, but hopefully others will recommend things you can try.

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