Cookies YUM! share your recipes here!

Bonus points for vegan, wheat and sweet sugar alternatives!

  • I made cookies from raw honey instead of sugar. I put the cookies into a ziplock bag and placed them in the fridge, expecting them to get condensation and eventually spoil in a week, but that never happened. The cookies stayed good for weeks,  which surprised me. The cookie was about 60% honey, and honey has some kind of antibacterial property, and maybe that preserved the cookie. But honey isn't exactly vegan. 

    Maybe I'll try making cookies from maple syrup sometime, although I don't think it'll be as sweet. I bought maple syrup sugar to try it, just to sprinkle on top of things, but it's not as sweet as regular sugar, and a lot more expensive. 

  • I made cookies from raw honey instead of sugar. I put the cookies into a ziplock bag and placed them in the fridge, expecting them to get condensation and eventually spoil in a week, but that never happened. The cookies stayed good for weeks,  which surprised me. The cookie was about 60% honey, and honey has some kind of antibacterial property, and maybe that preserved the cookie. But honey isn't exactly vegan. 

    Maybe I'll try making cookies from maple syrup sometime, although I don't think it'll be as sweet. I bought maple syrup sugar to try it, just to sprinkle on top of things, but it's not as sweet as regular sugar, and a lot more expensive. 
