Bowel problems(gross language)

Who else   experiences bowel problems?  Unable to go for 3-4 days and then when  you do go   you go to the opposite extreme ie 4 or so times in a day. It goes from doing large poos that can be quite painful to being very loose. I get pain in my hip, lower back, and pelvic areas after several days of not going.

  • Have you seen a dr about this? I have similar and I've been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis which affects my gut health badly. Its exasperated when I'm stressed. But I've always had a bit of a random stomach, seems to be triggered by everything at random times. 

    When I was diagnosed with autism I was told that large majority of autism sufferers have abdominal problems. 
  • Thank you for replying. I am prescribed  docusate and senna, based on that I'd say the GP  knows. I also have laxido sachets. A  major problem   is painful knees and legs. That's been the case since fracturing my femur in Oct 2021 and having a partial hip replacement in December 2021. For that I can take 2 codeine x4 times a day. I can guess what you're probably thinking, and you'd be totally right in thinking it. Codeine = constipation. I try to do without the codeine as much as possible, but sometimes the need for pain relief wins out.

  • Maybe you need to think about your gut biome, all the natural bacteria that live in our guts and help us digest our food? Things like natural yogurt, kombucha, sour ***, kimchi help, even real beer, the brown stuff that comes out of a hand pump, all these things contain the bacteria's our guts need. Local natural yogurt and beer will contain the bacteria and microbes local to your area, on the rare occaisions I go abroad the first thing I eat is local natural yogurt to prep my guts for the new bacteria that so often cause bad tummy's when on holiday.

    Another thing you could try is Slippery Elm, you can buy it a powder that you make into a kind of poridge, its nutritious and good for soothing the gut and helping things pass.

    I know this is a bit gross, but when you do a big one that's uncomfortable to pass try sitting up straight and breathing slowly and deeply especially on an out breath. Don't clench up and strain as this has the opposite effect from what you want.

    Have you tried cbd oil for pain relief?

    Maybe you don't have enough of or the right sort of oils in your diet? Fat and oils are different in how they work in the body, something like olive oil, hemp oil, oily fish etc may help grease your wheels as it were?

  • Maybe you need to think about your gut biome, all the natural bacteria that live in our guts and help us digest our food? Things like natural yogurt, kombucha, sour ***, kimchi help, even real beer, the brown stuff that comes out of a hand pump, all these things contain the bacteria's our guts need. Local natural yogurt and beer will contain the bacteria and microbes local to your area, on the rare occaisions I go abroad the first thing I eat is local natural yogurt to prep my guts for the new bacteria that so often cause bad tummy's when on holiday.

    Another thing you could try is Slippery Elm, you can buy it a powder that you make into a kind of poridge, its nutritious and good for soothing the gut and helping things pass.

    I know this is a bit gross, but when you do a big one that's uncomfortable to pass try sitting up straight and breathing slowly and deeply especially on an out breath. Don't clench up and strain as this has the opposite effect from what you want.

    Have you tried cbd oil for pain relief?

    Maybe you don't have enough of or the right sort of oils in your diet? Fat and oils are different in how they work in the body, something like olive oil, hemp oil, oily fish etc may help grease your wheels as it were?

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