Bowel problems(gross language)

Who else   experiences bowel problems?  Unable to go for 3-4 days and then when  you do go   you go to the opposite extreme ie 4 or so times in a day. It goes from doing large poos that can be quite painful to being very loose. I get pain in my hip, lower back, and pelvic areas after several days of not going.

  • Have you seen a dr about this? I have similar and I've been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis which affects my gut health badly. Its exasperated when I'm stressed. But I've always had a bit of a random stomach, seems to be triggered by everything at random times. 

    When I was diagnosed with autism I was told that large majority of autism sufferers have abdominal problems. 
  • Have you seen a dr about this? I have similar and I've been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis which affects my gut health badly. Its exasperated when I'm stressed. But I've always had a bit of a random stomach, seems to be triggered by everything at random times. 

    When I was diagnosed with autism I was told that large majority of autism sufferers have abdominal problems. 
  • Thank you for replying. I am prescribed  docusate and senna, based on that I'd say the GP  knows. I also have laxido sachets. A  major problem   is painful knees and legs. That's been the case since fracturing my femur in Oct 2021 and having a partial hip replacement in December 2021. For that I can take 2 codeine x4 times a day. I can guess what you're probably thinking, and you'd be totally right in thinking it. Codeine = constipation. I try to do without the codeine as much as possible, but sometimes the need for pain relief wins out.