Bowel problems(gross language)

Who else   experiences bowel problems?  Unable to go for 3-4 days and then when  you do go   you go to the opposite extreme ie 4 or so times in a day. It goes from doing large poos that can be quite painful to being very loose. I get pain in my hip, lower back, and pelvic areas after several days of not going.

  • Sounds hard I have the exact same problem. Not sure what causes it but saying that it seems to have gone away recently. So that’s good. I’ve been for tests too they say there’s nothing wrong with me. Try and drink more fluid not just water but tea, coffee orange juice anything really.

  • Sounds hard I have the exact same problem. Not sure what causes it but saying that it seems to have gone away recently. So that’s good. I’ve been for tests too they say there’s nothing wrong with me. Try and drink more fluid not just water but tea, coffee orange juice anything really.

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