Burst ear drum - sensory nightmare

My ear drum burst last night - the most intense pain I have ever felt. I currently have very limited hearing in that ear and it is bleeding. I went to the doctor today so all is okay in theory but I am finding this an absolute sensory nightmare and it is reducing me to tears and the idea of my ear feeling like this for weeks is making me feel so upset. Does anyone have any recomendations to deal with this? I know it is quite niche. But the idea of continuing like this and working is making me feel really overwhelmed. 

  • the idea of continuing like this and working is making me feel really overwhelmed. 

    This is one of the situations where I would recommend you ask the doctor for some anti-anxiety meds to get you over the worst of the healing stage, especially since it is causing you to compound your anxiety.

  • the idea of continuing like this and working is making me feel really overwhelmed. 

    This is one of the situations where I would recommend you ask the doctor for some anti-anxiety meds to get you over the worst of the healing stage, especially since it is causing you to compound your anxiety.

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