Claiming PIP - Cleaning

Hi there,

I have Asperger's and I have a lot of trouble cleaning, my house is a right tip. It's probably unhealthy to live there. While undergoing a PIP assessment would they take this into consideration?

I just can't do it and it gets me down.


  • It’s less about what gets-you-down and more about how capable you are of cleaning, not in the sense that you can clean, but more in the sense of the toll of cleaning effectively and affectively in your daily life.

    The role executive function plays in your daily life. The amount of time it takes you to clean, if you clean at all, or if the act of cleaning (for you) takes an unreasonable amount of effort. The role of any restrictive or repetitive behaviours, the role of social-emotive impairment, the role of sensory anomalies, and any resultant psychological distress.

  • It’s less about what gets-you-down and more about how capable you are of cleaning, not in the sense that you can clean, but more in the sense of the toll of cleaning effectively and affectively in your daily life.

    The role executive function plays in your daily life. The amount of time it takes you to clean, if you clean at all, or if the act of cleaning (for you) takes an unreasonable amount of effort. The role of any restrictive or repetitive behaviours, the role of social-emotive impairment, the role of sensory anomalies, and any resultant psychological distress.

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