Does anyone else hate water?

By hate I mean hate water on your skin and not drinking water; though that is also an issue for me as well.

A lot of people love bathing in the bath or having a shower and a swim in the pool but for as long as I can remember it's always been something I've hated. When it rains I try to keep my hands in my pockets and my hood up so I don't get wet.

When I was a child my mum used to proper go for me and tell me to stop being silly. But during my assessment they said this was something a lot of autistic people experience so I thought I would mention it here, to see if there's anyone who can relate to this.

Bathing is an issue because I like to be clean and wash my hair but I find it so torturous in a way and I rush both so I can get out of the water ASAP.

It's raining now. I'm going to stay in for now, hopefully it will pass soon enough.

Best wishes,


  • I dislike the rain, as I find it depressing. It limits me on where to go for walks. For instance, muddy paths, flooded parts, wet / damp clothes. Plus, don't you just hate hat hair.

  • I can’t remember the last time I used a shower, when I have tried it just feels like acid rain. I do bath but am in and out in minutes, even the sensation of that is horrible. To be honest I never even drink water in its natural form, tea and coffee is okay.

    I have vivid memories of the school swimming lessons and being told to put my head under the water, the feeling of a wet changing room floor was unbearable along without the foot  ( verruca ) bath. I still today won’t walk barefoot, especially on a wet floor.

  • I am grateful that you have raised this topic - as I have not found much in articles / books / websites etc. relating to Autism and often being less than a fan of grand water experiences.

    My lived experience includes e.g. being totally baffled (alright, I will admit it: somewhat repulsed) when a well-meaning Mental Health support person's suggestions about Mindfulness / techniques "known" to reduce anxiety / aid restful sleep etc. included:

    - "run yourself a relaxing warm bath to enjoy a long soak before going to sleep"

    (...and me sat there, trying to look polite, thinking ...not on my watch!  Bathing with water is for essential running maintenance, thank you!  I cannot identify with the enjoyment / relaxation aspect).

    A fan of clean hair etc., just do not love the process of achieving clean hair etc. (and they should teach something about that on hairdresser / barber courses too, please).

    Some more academic articles might lump this in with "Executive Dysfunction" - however, while being accepting of that at one level, I do still rather think it is a bit too simplistic a stance - they might have missed the wider point about some Autistic people genuinely not finding water is a welcome experience.

  • I don't like water on my skin. I can wash hands and stuff but anything cold and wet gets washed off immediately. Rain is awful for me.

  • I am like a fish with water the wetter I get it’s great when I’m on holiday you can’t get me out of the pool or the sea lol but I don’t like drinking water as it tastes horrible. When I went to work at a summer camp in the states it was horrible as all they made us drink was water. 

  • It's not ideal, although thankfully it's not as bad as it used to be. Stress certainly doesn't help it either, and there's been no shortage of that!

    I'm a very quiet speaker generally, and terrified of speaking any louder because I feel people are judging me, so yeah tightness happens quite a lot. Sometimes it cracks an awful lot when I'm speaking to someone new cos I'm so nervous. It's not too bad if I know someone fairly well but it still happens cos I'm not taking enough breaths or anything like that.

  • Having a skin condition must make it even worse for you. I can't begin to imagine... I just find my skin is so sensitive, everything seems to upset it, makes it difficult at times.

    I'm hoping it'll improve with age but at far no such luck. If anything it's getting worse lol. Laughing

    Throat dryness is something I experience frequently, sometimes it's dehydration related; but mostly it's the anxiety. Do you get throat tightness as well? That's something I experience a lot of the time. Especially if I have to interact face to face with someone.

    Best wishes,


  • I have eczema so it's not the kindest thing to me, but it's not as bad as it used to be. I do spend too long in the shower because I like the comfort but then my skin is very dry afterwards.

    Drinking water is next to impossible. If I've just been out exercising or had spicy food, then yeah. I make a point of having a bottle of water with me every time I have a call with someone (such as therapy). My throat can get quite dry and it's a good indicator for the other person that it's their turn to talk. Smiley