Doctor's Surgery Autistic Adult Research Failing before it Begins

Not sure if anyone else has been invited to take part in the autistic adults research via their GP surgery?

It's to look at how autistic people access the GP, experiences of it, issues, how it can be improved.

In my case, it's going pretty bad so far and is highlighting issues with the experience already, which I find incredibly ironic.

The key researcher sent me a text via the GP regarding arranging a time and date for the first initial consent meeting (give consent to take part, overview of what the research will be looking at etc) and I got a link to reply to which opens up a mini online chat to respond.

The issue?

Once you reply, it's entirely on the researcher to get back to you and confirm the time and date so you can attend.

Researcher never replied and it was implied my appointment was next week, my time was not confirmed, so had NO CLUE what was going on. One of my struggles is that I really struggle to talk over the phone and I had requested all communication about the project or appointments to be arranged over text/email. 

In the end, my mum called, never heard back about it. Had to go in and request to hear something back, and made it clear this is the very thing that stresses me out, and I would imagine, other autistic people too!

Sorry for the rant, but I find it really embarassing that access is so poor even for a study about access to GP for autistic people. 


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  • I'll be curious to see what conclusions they draw from this research, but so far, it just feels like they are showing no empathy to the very people they are trying to support. 

    Not really too surprised though, I have no faith in GPs, they've messed me around so much in the past.