
I'm curious if anyone else who has autism also has recurrent and debilitating migraines. 

I get migraines multiple times throughout the month. Growing up I had headaches but it was in my late teens and early adulthood when they really began to affect me in a way that caused disruption to my daily life.

In the last three years my anxiety has also worsened and this has increased the migraines and their severity to the extent that I can no longer work and when they happen not only is my anxiety at its worst but I'm also bed bound.

My GP has been somewhat unhelpful regarding this. She gave me medication for my migraines and anxiety but they don't seem to actually help at all. I've tried a few different medications now but they all have little to no effect on my symptoms.

Is there anything else I can do to help with my migraines? If I hadn't had the MRI and tests I would swear I have a brain tumour. The pain and other symptoms I get are that bad.

I'm open to any suggestions you might have to help me with this.

  • I get migraines about once every 5-6 weeks. I think it my body's way of forcing me to shut down. 

    Over the years I have tried all sorts of medication but nothing really seems to work. The only luck I have had is dispersible aspirin if I take it just as I feel it come on. The GP has given me anti sickness meds which means I don't vomit anymore,  which is good. 

    They wipe me out for 2 or 3 days and I loose money as I am partly self employed. I can't do anything at all except lie in bed and ride through the pain like my skull is crushing my brain. 

    My oestopath helps with cranial massage and I gave noticed since seeing her it has made them further apart.  She also helps with the pain my anxiety causes in other parts of my body. 

    Sorry I couldn't be more help. 

  • I get migraines about once every 5-6 weeks. I think it my body's way of forcing me to shut down. 

    Over the years I have tried all sorts of medication but nothing really seems to work. The only luck I have had is dispersible aspirin if I take it just as I feel it come on. The GP has given me anti sickness meds which means I don't vomit anymore,  which is good. 

    They wipe me out for 2 or 3 days and I loose money as I am partly self employed. I can't do anything at all except lie in bed and ride through the pain like my skull is crushing my brain. 

    My oestopath helps with cranial massage and I gave noticed since seeing her it has made them further apart.  She also helps with the pain my anxiety causes in other parts of my body. 

    Sorry I couldn't be more help. 

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