aspergers and personality disorder


Has anyone else out there been diagnosed with both aspergers and personality disorder.  I suffer from depression and had a challenging upbringing and was diagnosed with personality disorder 3 and half years ago, recently i was assessed by the personality disorder people to say I had aspergers traits although they wont/cant give me a proper diagnosis.

I was told that people with aspergers should not have psychotherapy , in fact it was dangerous.  I feel that i am being treated as if having aspergers means that my experiences in childhood can not affect me as my brain works different.

The whole thing has been really unpleasant experience.  I was bullied for the first 2 and half years of group therapy by 2 women, the staff didnt believe me, even though some of it was going on in front of them.  It was only when these two unpleasant women left that other members of the group spoke out as they were scared of being bullied themselves.

I have found myself feeling an outsider, the psychiatrists idea of someone with aspergers is the big bang theory. 

Actually the whole experience has been unpleasant , of the 3 and half years I have been going 3 years have been dealing with bullies. because I am stupid and have to keep to routines, I kept going back. I kept hoping things would get better.

I have only just started to deal with the aspergers and  also my past, but i feel so angry that I leave in 6 months and have not dealt with a lot of issuses other than survive.

Am I on my own with aspergers and personality issues

  • I have no advocacy or support on this other than little bits I can cobble together from online forums etc and other autistics.

    I initially got told I had complex behavioural disorder when I first asked about ASD, they keep trying to obfuscate it with my time in care (it also affected me greatly but I believe this is a co consideration rather than the consideration) Their rationale was we see autistics every day we solely deal with autistics so you are not autistic.

    But with further knowledge I just gleaned within 20 minutes on here and in reference to your paper/journals you posted. I found it usefull to send those along to the "assesors" the meeting I had yesterday was actually meant to discuss why I thought their assessment was flawed previously but turns out they asked me questions liek how sad I was feeling then made a Dx on that. They also asked me if I had anythign else to add I had loads they just never asked me properly or specifically.

    We nearly had a huge row over the word memorialised  and stated I get frustrated when I am just using normal words and they are ignorant and try to make me feel stupid becaus ethey do not understand.

    If you want to chat about shared experience please reply

  • I have no advocacy or support on this other than little bits I can cobble together from online forums etc and other autistics.

    I initially got told I had complex behavioural disorder when I first asked about ASD, they keep trying to obfuscate it with my time in care (it also affected me greatly but I believe this is a co consideration rather than the consideration) Their rationale was we see autistics every day we solely deal with autistics so you are not autistic.

    But with further knowledge I just gleaned within 20 minutes on here and in reference to your paper/journals you posted. I found it usefull to send those along to the "assesors" the meeting I had yesterday was actually meant to discuss why I thought their assessment was flawed previously but turns out they asked me questions liek how sad I was feeling then made a Dx on that. They also asked me if I had anythign else to add I had loads they just never asked me properly or specifically.

    We nearly had a huge row over the word memorialised  and stated I get frustrated when I am just using normal words and they are ignorant and try to make me feel stupid becaus ethey do not understand.

    If you want to chat about shared experience please reply

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