Lack of post diagnostic adult assessment as standard practice (legal obligation) and support post diagnosis

I’m wondering what people’s thoughts are on the issue of post-diagnostic autism assessment, as a basic standard practice for both adults and children alike, which should be a legal obligation for those tasked with diagnosing autism, in both private and public health settings, in respect of both adults and children with autism - without a post diagnostic assessment, one has no idea what one’s support needs are and therefore there is no way to legally enforce one’s entitlements to have reasonable adjustments put in place, for example in employment - we are totally reliant and dependent on the goodwill of charities to provide the support that we need which should be a legal requirement within a legal framework and as certain basic minimum standards that are legally enforceable - autism experts should be brought in to help design proper support and assessment as well as helping to draft laws that will force society to properly provide for us by properly having support structures in place, the proper implementation of which will be backed up by force of law - current laws are simply not good enough and given the statistics, this situation is even more unacceptable - aside from campaigns for increased funding, campaigns for legislative change should be launched 

  • Worse they promissed to do it then went back on their word.

  • The NAS do campaign for legislative change. They recently campaigned for changes to the Mental Health Act to include introducing a legal duty for councils to provide enough of the right community services to prevent autistic people from reaching crisis point. If implemented that would have been a good step in the right direction. However the government chose to ignore the campaign Disappointed

  • Well I have this unusual radical idea of a way to fix drug addiction is to take away peoples drugs. To, you know, actually enforce the law and provide proper rehabilitation. It’s a novel idea I’m told.

    do you know MI5 used to have a mandate to fight organised crime? but they took it away because well for whatever reason. imagine if all that energy they put into looking for seditious tree huggers by marrying off undercover cops to them went into fighting organised crime instead. Imagine if instead of bothering school kids for  saying some stupid thing in class they actually went after drug dealers with their surveillance state machinery.

  • If mental health services started to recognise what is looking at them right in front of them, the inicators and "symptoms" of ASD, then wouldnt that save a lot of time and money? Instead, they diagnose some mental health condition and hand out prescriptions. This goes on and on. Backwards and forwards, symptoms dont improve, they get worse, change medication.....medical proffesionals are not following nice guidlines. They are depriving people of the right to make sense of "what is wrong" with them. Recognising autism early would help people accept, this is how it is, there is no cure and this is what i need to do to take care of myself. Those breakdowns that i have, they are not breakdiwns they are meltdowns and i dont have a mental illness. The funds wasted on these types of consultations, referrals and prescriptions could be better used to increase post diagnosis support. Is it really that difficult to figure out what is happening here? 

  • Really the only people I've ever known who gamed the benifits system were drug adicts or alchoholics.

    yep.... wigan! lol
    my sister lives in a entire neighbourhood of people gaming the system, they even give her advice on how to cheat the system too and shes going to do everything they told her and she was bragging about all the amount of money uncapped which she can rip the system off from... so yeah, theres alot more taking the mick out of the system then you know and i see entire neighbourhoods of them...

    but thats where it gets difficult to fix... because if you fix that issue, then what will all those people do? they will all be evicted and be homeless.... the gov cant have that happening lol so it will never be fixed as the labour left who are worrying about these "checks" are complaining about.... their complaints about it expose them as being the type of people im on about, but they need not worry because it wont be fixed as to fix it causes more problems and not the type the gov wants at this time.

  • benefits are all massively increasing... probably calculated by in line with inflation... but remember thats still a increase

    not really. The buying power of your benifits payment isn't going up. In fact inflation has meant the value of 368.74£ a month has been going down a lot recently. Inflation is when your money is worth less because everything costs more. Incressing things inline with inflation is just maintaining the status quo.

    i know quite alot of people who take the micky out of the welfare system and live off it simply because they dont want to work, and have ways to get more out of it by lying than what i can get out of working...

    Really the only people I've ever known who gamed the benifits system were drug adicts or alchoholics. Arguably people who aren't fit to take care of themselves and ought to have some sort of state intervention anyway. They just do the minimum efort to jump through hoops knowing with their substance abuse issues they are unemployable. Some sort of forced rehab might be a better option for them. But the vast majority of people on benifits are strugeling and are either too unwell to work and / or would like to work.

  • benefits are all massively increasing... probably calculated by in line with inflation... but remember thats still a increase as this welfare system isnt a normal thing, in any other country you dont get any money if you dont work. and it isnt designed to be lived off. so getting it in the first place is very good, but they are also rising it. so it is benefit raise.

    i know quite alot of people who take the micky out of the welfare system and live off it simply because they dont want to work, and have ways to get more out of it by lying than what i can get out of working... because i live in wigan and alot are like that in wigan. this type of thing needs to be addressed, anyone claiming to be for workers parties would agree with that too as this benefit system is people leeching off the backs of workers anyway, thus its a attack and degradation of workers rights to have this leech system. but i dunno, perhaps the system needs to burn, and in that case everyone should then take the piss of it so the whole system can collapse faster. but again this is all harming workers as its workers having to pay for this.

  • yes but what component of the 2 billion is a) just the increase in line with inflation which is basicly no change in real terms and b) money for schemes designed to push people out of the system either without a job or with a job they are not well enough for.

  • Eat the rich!

    This Tory government seems to have, at last, convinced the majority of the electorate of their total incompetence. So they stand little chance of winning the next election. When the Tory grandees are not dodging tax, delaying closing the border on Covid - so that tens of thousands die needlessly, being 24 hour party people when everyone else is in lockdown, then lying about it and adopting lunatic policies that nearly tank the economy, they are indulging in their habitual sleaze.

  • jesus christ i cant believe your ripping the tories for all of this, for cutting stuff?

    theres no cuts at all.....

    if you want to attack them your only avenue is .... how do they pay for all of this? ....tell me.... all of this is billions to trillions of spending increases and tax cuts... not a single tax raise or spending cut anywhere.... so the correct avenue factually to attack them here is this:

    * how do they pay for this? its all spending and no way to account for it, its all money out but no money back in... how do they pay for this? ... magic money tree? , factually correct criticism of the budget. remember this is the tories that attacked labour before for budgets in which was all spending and no income back... this is the tories that accused labour of having magic money trees.... you have this opportunity to fire the same stuff back, but instead we all going for factually incorrect criticisms of cuts that they arnt even doing?

    • £2 billion investment in support for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions.
    • £900 million investment in support for parents on Universal Credit.
    • £70 million investment in support for over-50s.
  • well for one the people who diagnosed you cannot be held accountable to provide you with support, because if you noticed they are very busy and you have around a 4 to 8 year waiting que for diagnosis which is growing and growing none stop. their work is too much.... do you think they also then have the time to support personally each one they gave a diagnosis to? nope, they are having to rush through a never ending waiting que onto the next and the next and the next.

    they are unable to provide support as they are busy doing diagnosis for millions of people.

    as for the reasonable adjustments, you could trigger reasonable adjustments by getting any sick note, get a sick note for stress or depression and they have to offer reasonable adjustments.... although if there is none they can do or none they want to do they dont actually have to offer exactly what you wanted. it all depends if the employer is willing to play ball on it with you or not. went through this myself, my own gp said that i can request reasonable adjustments but they dont actually have to go along with them or accept my request. 

  • Welfare reforms announced at the Autumn Statement include:  

    • Uprating working age benefits in line with September’s CPI index figure of 6.7%.
    • Uprating state pensions in line with September’s earnings figure of 8.5%.
    • Increasing the Local Housing Allowance to cover the 30TH percentile – worth an average of £830 per year.
    • Expanded jobcentre support including intensive help for those on Universal Credit
    • Introducing the Chance to Work Guarantee, which will tear down barriers to work for millions of claimants to try work with no fear of reassessment or losing their health benefit top-ups.
    • Increasing mental health support for jobseekers by expanding NHS Talking Therapies treatment and the Individual Placement and Support programme, supporting almost 500,000 over five years.
    • Matching 100,000 people per year with existing vacancies and supporting them in that role through Universal Support.
    • Rolling out WorkWell to support people at risk of falling into long-term unemployment due to sickness or disability.
    • Reforming the Work Capability Assessment for new health benefit claimants to better reflect the opportunities available in the modern world of work.
    • Stricter sanctions for people who should be looking for work but aren’t engaging with jobcentre support.

      sorry but there is no cuts in the budget infact most of that is actually raises instead so quite the opposite to what everyone claims.... the cuts people are refering to is expecting you to look for a job which you agreed to do anyway and you already supposed to do.... so there no changes to that as thats already in place, just a load of people are worried they will be found out to be fraudulently  claiming benefits they wasnt entitled to, such as people who claimed pip by ticking boxes like they require assistance to go out or to go to the toilet, that has to be proven one day and always did have to be... you cant just lie in life to get a free life off others backs, its fraud.
  • current laws are simply not good enough and given the statistics, this situation is even more unacceptable

    Yes, but unfortunately this follows 13 years of Conservative rule and they've just launched yet another wave of disability cuts for the less fortunate. And on and on it'll go. This government has no interest in autism, all they care about is the 1%. Our current PM has, on record, described the Equality Act 2010 as "woke" - that's what we're dealing with.

    My stance with work is if the employer is being obnoxious, I leave the business and go to a more progressive environment.

    Hopefully in future we can have a more open and caring society, but that'll require a significant change in government before we make any steps towards that.

  • Ok what I'm about to say will only really apply to great britain, the equality act doesn't cover northen irland atm afaik. As things stand you have a right to reasonable adjustments in employment, education, services and public functions even if you don't have a diagnosis. the law cares about whether you have a disability not a formal diagnosis. Now in practice in court everything requires evidence and a formal diagnosis is the best evidence of disability. Having a second report saying what your suport needs are would be useful in a court, but it's not legaly binding on the court or your employer. Creating a law requiring post diagnostic reports wouldn't automaticly avoid court cases unless you also passed a law making them legaly binding in some sence. Also these things are situational. The resonable adjustments for an office job would be difrent than for a supermarket or for a school or a student club. It's probably not fesable to write one report that covers all eventualities.

    Now what could be done is to make occupational heath assesments a right. Right now if you go to your employer / educational institution and say I have disability X, the good ones, will orgonise an assesment to determen what reasonable adjustments you need, often done by an external body. It would be fesable to make that a legal right, to have an assement done by an acedited external body, if you have a diagnosis.