Vaccines/learning disabilities: eligibility

I'm confused.

I've been invited for a 'flu vaccine even though I'm not within any of the vulnerable groups.

The invite states the '18-64 'at risk' group.

So, I just wondered whether autism is classed as a 'learning disability' with respect to this, as that is a 'vulnerable group' in the NHS list.

As far as I'm aware, autism is classed as a developmental disability but you can also have a learning disability with it.

Some do, some don't.

This has also set me wondering whether I will now be invited for a Covid vaccine on the same grounds.

Does anyone have any light to shed on this please (and has anyone else been unexpectedly invited to the Vaccine Party)?


  • If anyone needs some bedtime reading, chapter and verse on who is eligible can be found in this document:

    Specifically Table 3 on pages 23/24 sets out what the clinical risk groups are for adults under 65. It doesn't mention autism anywhere and I would assume that the main categories that autistic people may fall under are the following:

    Chronic neurological disease: Stroke, transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Conditions in which respiratory function may be compromised due to neurological or neuromuscular disease (e.g. polio syndrome sufferers). This group also includes individuals with cerebral palsy, severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) including all those on the learning disability register, Down’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease and related or similar conditions; or hereditary and degenerative disease of the nervous system or muscles; or severe neurological disability

    Severe mental illness: Individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, or any mental illness that causes severe functional impairment.

    I think it depends how you have been coded by your GP practice and the level of understanding of autism by the staff member doing the coding. For example if they wrongly believe that autism is a severe mental illness you may be invited. You may also be eligible as a result of something else on the list.

    I do not get invited, even though I'm eligible as a carer Confused

  • If anyone needs some bedtime reading, chapter and verse on who is eligible can be found in this document:

    Specifically Table 3 on pages 23/24 sets out what the clinical risk groups are for adults under 65. It doesn't mention autism anywhere and I would assume that the main categories that autistic people may fall under are the following:

    Chronic neurological disease: Stroke, transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Conditions in which respiratory function may be compromised due to neurological or neuromuscular disease (e.g. polio syndrome sufferers). This group also includes individuals with cerebral palsy, severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) including all those on the learning disability register, Down’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease and related or similar conditions; or hereditary and degenerative disease of the nervous system or muscles; or severe neurological disability

    Severe mental illness: Individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, or any mental illness that causes severe functional impairment.

    I think it depends how you have been coded by your GP practice and the level of understanding of autism by the staff member doing the coding. For example if they wrongly believe that autism is a severe mental illness you may be invited. You may also be eligible as a result of something else on the list.

    I do not get invited, even though I'm eligible as a carer Confused

  • Thankyou.

    I think it depends how you have been coded by your GP practice and the level of understanding of autism by the staff member doing the coding. For example if they wrongly believe that autism is a severe mental illness you may be invited

    Yes, I think you are right.

    I'm not eligible for a 'flu or Covid vaccine according to the rules.

    That's a pain about not getting invited when eligible.

    Even though there are some clear rules about eligibility, it seems a bit of a lottery.