Vaccines/learning disabilities: eligibility

I'm confused.

I've been invited for a 'flu vaccine even though I'm not within any of the vulnerable groups.

The invite states the '18-64 'at risk' group.

So, I just wondered whether autism is classed as a 'learning disability' with respect to this, as that is a 'vulnerable group' in the NHS list.

As far as I'm aware, autism is classed as a developmental disability but you can also have a learning disability with it.

Some do, some don't.

This has also set me wondering whether I will now be invited for a Covid vaccine on the same grounds.

Does anyone have any light to shed on this please (and has anyone else been unexpectedly invited to the Vaccine Party)?


  • Good morning, 

    I don't meet the criteria for the flu vaccine. Also COVID booster vaccine. The virus is back and debating to weara face covering. I've got a cold and sinuses. Gradually getting better.

    Next week I've got a GP appointment and is it worth mentioning this? I may run out of time. Autism is a hidden disability.

  • Yes, definitely say something. I'm in my 30s and have no physical issues but I got a text inviting me to book a covid booster last week.

    You might be eligible for the booster without knowing. I certainly assumed I wasn't until I got the text 

  • Yes, definitely say something. I'm in my 30s and have no physical issues but I got a text inviting me to book a covid booster last week.

    You might be eligible for the booster without knowing. I certainly assumed I wasn't until I got the text 

  • Had no text message. Also end of the year entering a new age decade. 

    Went out for a walk before rain heavy again. Bumped into someone I know and told her I've got a cold and sinuses infection. Reply was hope it's COVID and told her I wouldn't be sneezing.