Vaccines/learning disabilities: eligibility

I'm confused.

I've been invited for a 'flu vaccine even though I'm not within any of the vulnerable groups.

The invite states the '18-64 'at risk' group.

So, I just wondered whether autism is classed as a 'learning disability' with respect to this, as that is a 'vulnerable group' in the NHS list.

As far as I'm aware, autism is classed as a developmental disability but you can also have a learning disability with it.

Some do, some don't.

This has also set me wondering whether I will now be invited for a Covid vaccine on the same grounds.

Does anyone have any light to shed on this please (and has anyone else been unexpectedly invited to the Vaccine Party)?


  • id view it with suspicion considering how mat hancocks gov handled covid

    like, why are they asking you in to get shots now? .... it was leaked that the covid shots they gave us was them unleashing and spreading new variants, so why are they calling you in for a flu shot? do they want to spread flu and call people in for it that they never would do and spread it through younger groups instead of by vulnerable groups?

  • I'm concerned about your sources for this assertion

  • the mat hancock text leaks? 
    it was all over the news... it was revealed that covid variants were created and controled and released for the sake of compliance... in mat hancocks own texts he was seen ordering the release of the new variant and saying how they must increase compliance. so it makes me distrustful of them now.

  • yeah its this line that throws it a bit i think 
    "“When do we deploy the new variant,” Hancock said."

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