Job Center Issues


After 29 years of unexplainable difficulties and eventual burn out, I'm currently going through the assessment process and I'm placed on a waiting list right now. I want to sign up to the job centre to claim job seekers allowance or universal credit but my question is, without the official diagnosis would they still make adjustments for me or allow me to join skills for work programmes?  I haven't worked in a long time due to what I thought was some kind of chronic stress problem. I can't face going back to a normal job again without reasonable adjustments being made for my needs and sensory problems :( 

Does anyone have any advice or experience about benefits, job searching and autism? 
I'm so worried because the waiting lists can be like 20 months or more and if i need the paperwork and diagnosis before I can get support, I have no idea what to do until then Disappointed

Thank you!! Relaxed

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