What to drink

I've been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and been advised to stop drinking coca cola because it's making the UC worse and further causing me harm so my doctor says.

But the thing is what else can I drink? Cola tastes amazing and I feel less stressed when I drink it and it gives me the extra energy I need during the day. Water just tastes gross and I don't like tea or coffee. I've always had a sweet tooth and the last couple of years cola has been my only drink and now I've got to cut it out.

What do you drink?

Any suggestions on a sweet tasting drink I can try to see if I like?

I've always struggled with food and drink. Five years ago I didn't drink enough and now I'm drinking too much of the sugary stuff which my doctor says likely contributed to my UC.

But there's little tasty drinks out there I've found.

  • In answer to Diamond's question, I drink:

    Tea, coffee, tap water*, apple juice, elderflower cordial with tap water and milkshakes (mainly).

    *I have a theory about why our tap water tastes so awful.

    The reserves it comes from are underground.

    Years ago I saw a film and series 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' where there were dinosaurs living underground.

    As dinosaurs clearly therefore do live underground, I think they pee in our water before it is extracted.

  • As dinosaurs clearly therefore do live underground, I think they pee in our water before it is extracted.


    In my unprofessional opinion of course.

  • At least we now know what was at the bottom of that well, you kicked that envoy into, my king..Zipper mouth

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