Bowel problem (TW/Graphic)

(Warning stool pic below)

Hi all, 

I'm in my twenties and except for autism and severe anxiety I am reasonably healthy. I think so anyway. My diet is less positive, consists of mostly bread and sweets which does seem to trigger my IBS. As does the anxiety. What maybe isn't helping is that I only drink coca cola and have only drank this for the last 3ish years and I'm worried it and my anxiety are causing my body harm.

I get a lot of mucus when I have a bowel movement, I'm also very constipated sometimes and when I do finally go there will normally be blood (bright red), mucus and of late it has been lighter, either more pale or clay coloured. I mostly feel OK though I do get stomach ache sometimes and often firm stomach, but I've always put this down to IBS and anxiety. 

But now I'm feeling it might be something more. My first thought is cancer, most likely my anxiety talking though as I am quite young still and otherwise reasonably healthy. But I am worried I might be dying from this!

I've got a pic below and if you've had this or know knowledge of what's causing it please do reply as it will be a big help and put my mind at ease.

I will see a doctor if it's really necessary but I get absolutely nightmarish anxiety and would probably pass out before I even get to the doctors!

Sorry for the graphic pic but I really could do with some input here. Thanks in advance.

  • Well done on going to the Dr. It's better to be safer than sorry. I hope everything will be ok for you. Keeping you in my thoughts x.

  • I am reading this part of your post now.
    I'm very sorry.
    I hope it gets resolved.
    A relative of mine is treated in Milan but many medicines come from England.
    You are in the best place then.
    I wish you a speedy recovery, sorry, sometimes we write without knowing anything about people's lives.
    There are therapies.
    Take small steps and you will climb your mountain so tiring.
  • You’ve done the right thing by going to the doctor.  

    Please remember to heed the very good advice they gave you and cut out the cola.  Without wishing to labour a point (as I mentioned this in my previous post) fruit, fruit, fruit.

  • Hi everyone, 

    Thank you for your replies and advice. I noticed a lump in my abdomen so called my GP for advice because I was worried. She saw me the same day and referred me to hospital which caused a lot of anxiety. 

    The nurse I saw at the hospital told me off about the cola and said to drink water because its healthy. I've seen the doctor this afternoon and a scan I had has shown a tumour on my liver and now I've got to have a biopsy but that isn't immediate but is urgent so should be soon. 

    Thanks for your support guys. 

  • You are right.

    Now I'm answering in another format.

    But the post does not come as I would like.

    Thanks, if I can't I'll step aside.

    I also saw this formatting so wrong.

    It's not of my will.

    I try to copy it differently.

    Let me know right away if it bothers you and I'll stop posting.

    The first thing for me is respect.
    Then I really care that my posts are not disturbing for you.

    Yes, thanks again if anything!
    You have been clear,
    I just have to do a lot of
    mental passages.
    Image word
    Image word
    (I think exclusively for images then I translate a lot of times)
    English Italian
    Italian English:
    Formatting that does not accept me as I would like.
    A thousand thanks
    The notation is important thanks
    I can't, sorry


  • the post does not come as I would like.

    Thanks, if I can't I'll step aside.

    If it does not work for you then please go back to the way you were doing it - we value the contribution more than the format.

    Our request was an aesthetic one only to make it easier for us and I would prefer to have you continue to contrubte if you are willing.

    Thank you for trying

  • You are right.

    Now I'm answering in another format.

    But the post does not come as I would like.

    Thanks, if I can't I'll step aside.

    I also saw this formatting so wrong.

    It's not of my will.

    I try to copy it differently.

    Let me know right away if it bothers you and I'll stop posting.

    The first thing for me is respect.

    Then I really care that my posts are not disturbing for you.

  • I write one way and see a different one appear. Clearly I'm wrong.

    It is not that you are wrong - we just suggested an improvement to allow more of us to appreciate the good work you contribute more easily.

    Thank you for agreeing to do this. I appreciate it.

  • Excuse me instead.
    But I don't regulate myself in this forum.
    The layout is very different.
    You wrote the right thing.
    I write one way and see a different one appear.
    Clearly I'm wrong.
    *It's not O.T. if a post is functional to pointing out these things, I thank you instead.
    Huge pain:
    Accept my apologies, that's not my intention.
  • I ageree, the scrolling breaks up the flow of reading and the ADHD part of me loses the thread of text quickly when it is like this.

    The content is great though, so please consider something like pasting it into a text editor (Notepad on a PC for example) then copy/paste again to remove the formatting.

  • Even aside from your diet being super unhealthy, it seems fairly likely that drinking a bunch of coke every day is making your anxiety worse. 

  • Sorry to be off-topic, but would it be possible for you not to use whatever formatting your posts use? It makes the text not wrap around so (at least on mobile) you have to scroll sideways to read each line, which makes reading your posts a massive pain. If it's something you don't have control over like you need to use a speech to text thing and that's how it outputs, I'm sorry for being a jerk and ignore what I said. 

  • Errata corrige
    Doctors manage severe anxiety with medications, and guidelines range from 9 months to 2 years.
    The doctor always decides, we only give opinions from friendly people
  • (Excuse : this is te first message )

    I am writing to you as an Italian.
    Minimize bread and sweets.
    The true Mediterranean diet consists of something else.
    Avoid dry foods, and evaluate what blood type you have and some of them you can avoid.
    Some not quite; I had a passion for medicine so I know that totally excluding a food is counterproductive.
    So you just do one thing: reduce portions to a minimum, for now.
    IBS: Exact same problem I also have severe colic.
    But with the food here, which is based on three thousand different foods, I can't decide.
    I avoid vegetables because I'm worse.
    Severe Anxiety There Are Solutions.
    Because it is always medically disabling.
    It should be reduced to a minimum and can be used very well.
    If you have made a choice on precision medicine in Great Britain (a fundamental nation for scientific research), you can immediately find suitable drugs. A blood test with specific markers is enough.
    For example, C-reactive protein.
    Anxiety therefore you obviously feel a specialist in psychiatry.
    Based on your choices, you will have an SSRI prescribed either together or alone with an anxiolytic **** With a long plasma half-life however *
    I take one called clonazepam, a non-commercial name so I don't advertise it.
    But there are drugs that if they work for you, you take at least 9, guidelines also vary for years.
    In short: your anxiety will disappear you will see, don't worry.
    You can use precautions so before going to the bathroom to evacuate try to make a warm warm bidet.
    In any case, try to take extra virgin olive oil, we only have it in Italy, the others are poor quality oils, they were called lampante oils because they were used to light up the streets in street lamps (I think I described this with this!).
    Drink at least liters of low-sodium water. Take a glass every hour, not all at once.
    Use French or Italian water.
    They are the best in Europe.
    Look at the writing that must be there: oligo mineral.
    You will see that they are good advice: eat fruit!
    Avoid taking too many starchy foods in your stomach they are like glue (which is a striking example).
    A French diet is fine too.
    They eat very well.
    Entrèè: but you chop the salad into very small pieces otherwise it gets tangled in digestion.
    The blood according to easy intuition you have fissures.
    If you change your diet you will see that they heal on their own.
    Rectum colon X-ray I suggest and eame of feces (it's not really nice eh! But better to do it! :) )
    Bright red is a potential indicator of something wrong.
    Even simple fissures or hemorrhoids are highly curable.
  • Your first thought should be to change your diet and do minimally invasive tests.
    Don't fixate on tumors because it's wrong.
    You will see that you will improve in six months.
    But talk to the doctor and explain your problems to him.
    You may also have an underlying gastric problem.
    The mucus is positive.
    Do not be afraid.
    Indicative blood: However bright red and with dryness there, it is easy to derive from the final part of the colon, it is nothing immediately attributable to a tumor, but must first be investigated by doctors.
    Is the photo a fecal mass? But the blood is superior means that you have tried right?
    Sorry question.
    Bring photos to the doctor, don't draw conclusions because you'll see it will be treatable.
    I hadn't seen the picture right away.
     Without the premise I would have written to you that you are perhaps right.
    But usually in that photo you come slowly didn't you notice before stool streaks of blood?
    That would seem too fast to me.
    Go to the doctor calmly: it's the best thing to do as soon as possible.
    Absolutely: eliminate cola and sweetened and unsweetened carbonated drinks.
    Bread and sweets eaten often are not good for you.
    They advised you well.
    Go to the doctor: without fear.
    You are stronger.
    Don't wait at all.
    The mucus is protecting you.
    Drink mineral water.
    As little sugar as possible.
    Let us know .
    Go to the doctor with your head held high and without fear.
    Anything that says don't be afraid, write it here.
    I have the same discomforts as you, from the controls it doesn't show a tumor at all.
    If that can reassure you.
    Fizzy drinks you can remove them; I understand that it is not easy, just avoid them.
  • As well as cutting out the cola, you must eat more fruit.  Bananas, apples and pears are especially high in fibre.

  • My diet is less positive, consists of mostly bread and sweets which does seem to trigger my IBS. As does the anxiety. What maybe isn't helping is that I only drink coca cola

    This will cause digestive issues even without the IBS and in my admittedly non-medical opinion is the likely cause of your bowel movement issues.

    Have you looked at why your diet is the way it is? Are you unable to face eating the foods or is it that these are the only ones that sit well in your stomach?

    Have you discussed them with a therapist?

    Just trying to understand the background to the situation before offering more targetted advice.

  • As the others said it's definitely a good idea to see your GP. Altering your diet can only help, it's a bad diet and all that cola and sweet stuff will be putting your stomach through unnecessary punishment. Definitely try to cut out the coca cola, you'll feel heaps better in the end! Vitamins are a good shout as Martin suggested. It sounds like you're not eating nearly enough of the right stuff so you're body is likely suffering from deficiency. I hope you can talk to your GP and I hope things get better for you soon. We're here if you need us.

  • Definitely go and see a GP. The blood could be from haemorrhoids or diverticular disease. Your diet is very unhealthy, you could improve it, without changing what food you eat, by taking fibre supplements (can be in capsule form such as psyllium husk) and probiotics (good bacteria). If you possibly can cut out the coca cola, it is very bad for you in multiple ways.  I would also recommend taking vitamin and mineral supplements as your diet seems remarkably inadequate.

  • I understand how much anxiety it will cause you but I would go and see a doctor if you are concerned