Work Causing Burnout, Can't Find a New Job

Hi everyone,

I am currently at a retail job that is incredibly stressful and burning me out (for example, they expect me to do a lot of upselling and they know I struggle with it) - I have been looking for a new job since January, but have only managed to get one interview. Said interview was this week, and despite it feeling like it went well, I was rejected.

The job listing claimed no experience was needed, but ultimately they went with someone with more experience. If this is always the way, surely I am never going to get out of retail as it is all I have experience with?

I really don't know how much more of this I can take but I can't just quit my job because I can't live with no income, so I'm having to sacrifice my mental health instead.

I have no idea what to do, it feels like I'm trapped. There are almost no jobs in my area that are suitable, when I do apply I rarely hear back, and I can't go back into education as I can't afford it and then I would still have no income.

I desperately want to leave this job but then I would have no money, what do I do???

  • Depends on where you live but there are some government initiatives which help autistic people in the workplace by giving accommodations so I’d look into that. I’m sorry you feel that way- I often worry about finding a job too as I’ve felt the same in previous jobs. 

  • Depends on where you live but there are some government initiatives which help autistic people in the workplace by giving accommodations so I’d look into that. I’m sorry you feel that way- I often worry about finding a job too as I’ve felt the same in previous jobs. 
