The Truth About Foods That Burn Belly Fat

There are many claims about [link removed by moderator] but how much truth is there to these claims? While no single food can target belly fat exclusively, some foods may be helpful in promoting weight loss and reducing overall body fat, including belly fat.

Can someone tell what are some foods that you have heard can burn belly fat fast? Do you believe these claims are true or are they just myths? Have you personally tried any foods that are said to reduce belly fat? What has been your experience with these foods?

  • Not everyone gains weight at the same location... When losing weight, my understanding is the last place you gained weight will be the first place you lose weight...

    There are more than enough people out there that gain weight on their stomach either towards the end of weight gain OR choose to seek weight loss when the stomach starts to grow.

    No matter what food you consume in relation to weight loss (it could take up to 6 -9 months to correct a bad diet if under eating) you will lose weight from the final place you gained weight.

    There will be more than enough people that try a magic food, see their stomach shrink and will attach it to a specific food.

    Clever (?) marketing has enough people in the sample to show their product works and word of mouth is strong enough to have people bought into the idea.

    If 20% of people seek weight loss when their stomach grows and 50% of them follow the deficit method correctly and say 90% of the time it works, then.

    7bn Earth population x 20% x 50% x 90% = 630 million potential positive reviews for a particular food targeting stomachs.

  • Not everyone gains weight at the same location... When losing weight, my understanding is the last place you gained weight will be the first place you lose weight...

    There are more than enough people out there that gain weight on their stomach either towards the end of weight gain OR choose to seek weight loss when the stomach starts to grow.

    No matter what food you consume in relation to weight loss (it could take up to 6 -9 months to correct a bad diet if under eating) you will lose weight from the final place you gained weight.

    There will be more than enough people that try a magic food, see their stomach shrink and will attach it to a specific food.

    Clever (?) marketing has enough people in the sample to show their product works and word of mouth is strong enough to have people bought into the idea.

    If 20% of people seek weight loss when their stomach grows and 50% of them follow the deficit method correctly and say 90% of the time it works, then.

    7bn Earth population x 20% x 50% x 90% = 630 million potential positive reviews for a particular food targeting stomachs.

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