The Truth About Foods That Burn Belly Fat

There are many claims about [link removed by moderator] but how much truth is there to these claims? While no single food can target belly fat exclusively, some foods may be helpful in promoting weight loss and reducing overall body fat, including belly fat.

Can someone tell what are some foods that you have heard can burn belly fat fast? Do you believe these claims are true or are they just myths? Have you personally tried any foods that are said to reduce belly fat? What has been your experience with these foods?

  • To lose weight you need to be eating less calories than you burn. Certain exercises can make you appear to lose more weight in the waist area because you’re tightening up the muscles but in general your body decides which order to burn the fat in. I can weigh very little for my height and still have a bit of belly fat it depends on genetic distribution, gender, hormone balances etc

  • To lose weight you need to be eating less calories than you burn. Certain exercises can make you appear to lose more weight in the waist area because you’re tightening up the muscles but in general your body decides which order to burn the fat in. I can weigh very little for my height and still have a bit of belly fat it depends on genetic distribution, gender, hormone balances etc

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