Repair Cafe

There's a thing called "Repair Cafe", possibly near you, where people like me try and fix your busted stuff for free!

I can't speak for anyone else, but we are quite good!

I had five items today in my two to three hours, two were good fixes, two needed parts and one I ran out of time for.

(Clocks take up a lot of my time, I may need to actually learn something about them since I seem to get all of them anyway...) 

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  • When I was about 7 my thunderbird 4 broke, and after a couple of weeks of pestering my dad to fix it, the evil stepmother (in one of the three nice things I remember her doing for me), bought me my own soldering iron...

    For a while my work was accompanied by the intermittent smell of burning flesh, plastic, clothing etc, but by the age of 12 I think, I finally stopped burning myself with the bloody thing. It would have gone much better I feel if my first soldering iron had had a proper stand, not a stupid clip to hang it off the edge of a wastepaper basket etc. 

    Edit: To be more helpful, RC has a requirement also fro non-fixing volunteers to do organise the flow of clients to the repairers if that appeals to anyone, collect the donations when made etc. (And our voluinteer gets us a cup of tea midway through, which from my perspective is perhaps the most solid contribution of all!)