Diagnosis for my brother.

Hi everyone. I am new here, as I was unsure where else to turn for help with this particular problem. I have fairly recently been diagnosed with Aspergers, on top of ADHD, Tourettes and various anxiety disorders. In total my diagnosis took approximatley 7 years. I am not here to talk about myself, however. 

I feel that it is likely my brother also has Aspergers or is somewhere else on the spectrum. We are very similar in many ways. He is going through a very difficult time at the moment. He has a new girlfriend, his first full-time job and my mother just got married. (As he still lives at home this effects him.) 

Last night he was arrested for breaching the peace. He had a huge meltdown and threatened to kill himself, also accidentally hitting a police officer whilst flailing around. He was put in a cell overnight, and was released this morning with a caution.

I feel that his meltdown was most likely due to the high amount of stress he is under, and the anti-depressants he has been prescribed. He consulted his GP last week to ask for help with possible Autism etc. and mentioned my situation, but was brushed off as 'stressed' and his anti-depressant dose increased.

Since my diagnosis I have found my life much improved, and feel that the same thing would help him. However, it is clear that he cannot wait 7 years! I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to accelerate getting a diagnosis for him as it has become very urgent. Is it possible to contact the clinic that diagnosed me directly, and ask for a consultation without a referal as we are related?

I also think he will have to reduce his hours at work. Could anyone advise regarding how to achieve this? I am currently unable to work after 10 years of burning myself out, and would like to avoid the same fate for him. 

In addition, I wondered if anyone could help me with dealing with my mother. She believes that diagnosis gives one an excuse not to work hard etc. and is now threatening to kick him out of the house in an act of 'tough love.' She feels that the independance would be good for him, but I know that when she did the same to me it triggered multiple breakdowns and helped to put me in my current position. 

I apologise for the length of this post and any irrelevancies therein. Thank you in advance for any help.

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