Bad Diet

I don't know how to improve my diet. I only eat and drink sweet sugary things. The healthy stuff always tastes and smells wrong. I know the problem, but I don't know how to get around it.

Whenever I try new stuff my stomach hurts. It hurts anyway, usually aching or sharp pains even without food. I get a lot of burping and it always feels firm and tight. Going to the toilet is ok, hurts sometimes but I'm always getting yellow mucus. I practically live on antacids to ease this. And my stomach feels hungry a lot despite that I'm eating sweets throughout the day.

I'm guessing my poor diet is behind this? 

I keep fit. Do a lot of workouts and sport but my food and drink is all the wrong stuff. I just don't like anything else, I've always been like this with my diet.

I've thought of calling doctor's but it's not worth the emotional and mental strain. I can do phonecalls no problem but actually going to be checked out and have tests is now impossible. My anxiety explodes like a great big bomb and I'm destroyed, it can take months to recover from one appointment, if not longer.

I don't think there's acting seriously wrong. The yellow mucus isn't nice but there's no blood, no vomiting, just discomfort and burping. Sometimes nausea but not a lot.

If anyone else has this problem then any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks team. Thumbsup

  • Making a smoothie is a good way of disguising tastes and textures and is a very good way of getting nutrition and having it all done in one go. You can also just sip away, so it could be a good way to introduce your stomach to the 'new' foods gradually. You can also add extra supplements like pro-biotics or specific vitamins if needed.

    There are many resources online which can help you to decide which ingredients to try first, you could begin with just a few and build up based on taste and texture preferences. The fact you like sweet sugary foods is also a good start for you as many fruits are naturally very sweet. You can also purchase an inexpensive blender to make them, be warned if you have sensory needs you may need to wear ear plugs/headphones when using!

    They are such a great way to get nutrition and fibre and until a once-a-day pill is invented which gives our bodies and digestive systems everything it needs to survive healthily, smoothies are a good option.

    However, as others have stated you do need to get your digestive system looked at to rule out any medical conditions although it's highly likely your digestive system won't be favouring your current diet.

    I hope you can make some progress with this, it is truly awful having digestive issues, it is the core of our being afterall.

  • Making a smoothie is a good way of disguising tastes and textures and is a very good way of getting nutrition and having it all done in one go. You can also just sip away, so it could be a good way to introduce your stomach to the 'new' foods gradually. You can also add extra supplements like pro-biotics or specific vitamins if needed.

    There are many resources online which can help you to decide which ingredients to try first, you could begin with just a few and build up based on taste and texture preferences. The fact you like sweet sugary foods is also a good start for you as many fruits are naturally very sweet. You can also purchase an inexpensive blender to make them, be warned if you have sensory needs you may need to wear ear plugs/headphones when using!

    They are such a great way to get nutrition and fibre and until a once-a-day pill is invented which gives our bodies and digestive systems everything it needs to survive healthily, smoothies are a good option.

    However, as others have stated you do need to get your digestive system looked at to rule out any medical conditions although it's highly likely your digestive system won't be favouring your current diet.

    I hope you can make some progress with this, it is truly awful having digestive issues, it is the core of our being afterall.

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