Bad Diet

I don't know how to improve my diet. I only eat and drink sweet sugary things. The healthy stuff always tastes and smells wrong. I know the problem, but I don't know how to get around it.

Whenever I try new stuff my stomach hurts. It hurts anyway, usually aching or sharp pains even without food. I get a lot of burping and it always feels firm and tight. Going to the toilet is ok, hurts sometimes but I'm always getting yellow mucus. I practically live on antacids to ease this. And my stomach feels hungry a lot despite that I'm eating sweets throughout the day.

I'm guessing my poor diet is behind this? 

I keep fit. Do a lot of workouts and sport but my food and drink is all the wrong stuff. I just don't like anything else, I've always been like this with my diet.

I've thought of calling doctor's but it's not worth the emotional and mental strain. I can do phonecalls no problem but actually going to be checked out and have tests is now impossible. My anxiety explodes like a great big bomb and I'm destroyed, it can take months to recover from one appointment, if not longer.

I don't think there's acting seriously wrong. The yellow mucus isn't nice but there's no blood, no vomiting, just discomfort and burping. Sometimes nausea but not a lot.

If anyone else has this problem then any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks team. Thumbsup

  • alot of the things advertised as healthy... are not healthy.... they advertise vegan diets as healthy now, and laughably as good for the environment despite how much land they take and how they take more vehicle and diesel use and spray loads of chemicals in the air so they are far from environmentally friendly lol

    theres too much lies in health... its all because its just different sectors wanting to lie to make money... 

    best bet is to play it by what feels right to you.

    to me personally alot of plant stuff irritates my stomach and guts...  this is because they contain lectins and plants dont want to be eaten and evolved toxins to irritate your guts because plants dont want to be eaten and are not for eating.

    i think the key to your health though is your movement... i feel it seems it doesnt matter what you eat or how you change your diet, but as soon as you cut down your movement or increase it, then you see a difference.... diet seems to not really matter as much as people say... but yet society claims it does... because food is a product and people make money off those products and they want to advertise that product as the be all end all so that you give them your money. its all a advertisement money making sham in the end all this diet stuff.

  • alot of the things advertised as healthy... are not healthy.... they advertise vegan diets as healthy now, and laughably as good for the environment despite how much land they take and how they take more vehicle and diesel use and spray loads of chemicals in the air so they are far from environmentally friendly lol

    theres too much lies in health... its all because its just different sectors wanting to lie to make money... 

    best bet is to play it by what feels right to you.

    to me personally alot of plant stuff irritates my stomach and guts...  this is because they contain lectins and plants dont want to be eaten and evolved toxins to irritate your guts because plants dont want to be eaten and are not for eating.

    i think the key to your health though is your movement... i feel it seems it doesnt matter what you eat or how you change your diet, but as soon as you cut down your movement or increase it, then you see a difference.... diet seems to not really matter as much as people say... but yet society claims it does... because food is a product and people make money off those products and they want to advertise that product as the be all end all so that you give them your money. its all a advertisement money making sham in the end all this diet stuff.

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