Bad Diet

I don't know how to improve my diet. I only eat and drink sweet sugary things. The healthy stuff always tastes and smells wrong. I know the problem, but I don't know how to get around it.

Whenever I try new stuff my stomach hurts. It hurts anyway, usually aching or sharp pains even without food. I get a lot of burping and it always feels firm and tight. Going to the toilet is ok, hurts sometimes but I'm always getting yellow mucus. I practically live on antacids to ease this. And my stomach feels hungry a lot despite that I'm eating sweets throughout the day.

I'm guessing my poor diet is behind this? 

I keep fit. Do a lot of workouts and sport but my food and drink is all the wrong stuff. I just don't like anything else, I've always been like this with my diet.

I've thought of calling doctor's but it's not worth the emotional and mental strain. I can do phonecalls no problem but actually going to be checked out and have tests is now impossible. My anxiety explodes like a great big bomb and I'm destroyed, it can take months to recover from one appointment, if not longer.

I don't think there's acting seriously wrong. The yellow mucus isn't nice but there's no blood, no vomiting, just discomfort and burping. Sometimes nausea but not a lot.

If anyone else has this problem then any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks team. Thumbsup

  • I guess u have a strong sugar craving.Sugar craving can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal changes. Here some tips how to deal with that:1.Stay hydrated: Sometimes when we're dehydrated, our body can mistake thirst for hunger or sugar cravings.2.Eat regularly: Eating regularly can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent sudden sugar cravings. Here one of example 3.Choose healthy alternatives: When you do have sugar cravings, try to swap for healthy alternatives like fruit, yogurt, or nuts instead of sugary snacks. 4.Avoid triggers: Avoid triggers that can cause sugar cravings like skipping meals, consuming too much caffeine, or being around sugary treats. 5. And may be it would be good to find a professional who could help u with that problem!

  • I guess u have a strong sugar craving.Sugar craving can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal changes. Here some tips how to deal with that:1.Stay hydrated: Sometimes when we're dehydrated, our body can mistake thirst for hunger or sugar cravings.2.Eat regularly: Eating regularly can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent sudden sugar cravings. Here one of example 3.Choose healthy alternatives: When you do have sugar cravings, try to swap for healthy alternatives like fruit, yogurt, or nuts instead of sugary snacks. 4.Avoid triggers: Avoid triggers that can cause sugar cravings like skipping meals, consuming too much caffeine, or being around sugary treats. 5. And may be it would be good to find a professional who could help u with that problem!

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