Doubts about gender identity

My experience, based on a rather small sample, is that there is a strong overlap between being on the Spectrum and having at least some doubts about ones gender identity.  Possibly our lack of social awareness (= tact) means we are more ready to admit to something that most people would keep well hidden.  Possibly there is a real correlation.

At one point I found that of the four male Aspies regularly posting to a small forum, three had well developed female personas.  Too small a sample, but interesting.  Another forum member was a paintball ref and really one of the lads (and female).

Anyone else willing to speak for themselves?  Any parents noticed boyish girls or girlish boys?

  • Welcome Swangirl!  A somewhat similar experience.  In case I haven't already said so: I was born male in 1948, and in my childhood there was no concept of transgender.  I knew I was attracted to girls - as soon as I was old enough to know that - so I wasn't gay.  The only other option was to be a "proper" boy, so I did my best to be one.  I transitioned socially and in employment in 2011 and completed GRS in 2014.  I am also high functioning Aspie, with a B.Sc. in Computational Science and Mathematics and an M.Sc. in Microelectrolic Systems Design.

    Now I'm retired from paid employment and very busy in my church and other voluntary work.  Which reminds me - owing to a slight messup in the planning I'm sharing the ministry next Sunday evening.  I must get busy and write a sermon ...

  • Welcome Swangirl!  A somewhat similar experience.  In case I haven't already said so: I was born male in 1948, and in my childhood there was no concept of transgender.  I knew I was attracted to girls - as soon as I was old enough to know that - so I wasn't gay.  The only other option was to be a "proper" boy, so I did my best to be one.  I transitioned socially and in employment in 2011 and completed GRS in 2014.  I am also high functioning Aspie, with a B.Sc. in Computational Science and Mathematics and an M.Sc. in Microelectrolic Systems Design.

    Now I'm retired from paid employment and very busy in my church and other voluntary work.  Which reminds me - owing to a slight messup in the planning I'm sharing the ministry next Sunday evening.  I must get busy and write a sermon ...

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