Any doctors here?

Ever since Covid, I've been wondering WHY we have to jam the testing stick right up our noses and down the back of our throats.

I have a wonderful facility to hawk stuff up, or blow my nose, why isn't it enough to do that, and just rub the stick in whatever I can produce?

(Which would be a loss less invasive and uncomfortable of course, if somewhat "Icky" to those of a more sensitive disposition than myself.)

If anyone has an informed perspective, I'd like to find a more "external" solution to covid testing that doesn't involve me sticking things inside of me, even if it's considered "socially unpleasant", as I do my testing in the privacy of my own home, for my own edification and to protect the few people I do go out to see from time to time.

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  • I seem to recall doing a spit test for Covid research purposes, along with a finger-pri*k blood test. It was definitely preferable to inserting a swab up my nostrils and then down my throat (also done for research).

  • Guybrush mentioned that a couple of posts up, but it may be less effective.

    We are now just under five full days from the point of exposure, so the need to test is getting less urgent now. When I was following the clinical data closely when it started, four days was the max given 'twixt exposure and presentation of symptoms. 

    I have neither the Z-pak or Flccc treatment packs to hand, so apart from being concerned about passing it on, there's not much advantage to the "knowing" for me, but if there was a less unpleasant way of testing, I'd burn through the test kits I have as they are getting a bit old now.

    It was (of course) an "I'm all right jack, I've had the vaxx and boosters, I can go out, despite feeling ill" type who exposed us, and not another of us "selfish, dangerous, should be in a camp", unvaxxed people...

    Bah. I'm bored of Covid shenangans now...