Pop quiz! Do you like going out shopping?

I'm just writing to a well known food chain, advising them of some shortcomings I am experiencing with their home delivery process.

Post Pandemic, I've realised just how much I utterly hated going "shopping" and I realised we are really invested now in home delivery!

(So much, that I'm actually attempting to get the process to work a bit better) 

I wondered if it's just me, or is this a more universal Autism thing?

For those of you who don't like to post or vote, this is a very simple question, and you can possibly excercise a bit of power if you have a strong feeling about shopping.

We constitute about 1/50th of the population if I have my facts correct, (I may not when it comes to that number) so IF we turn out to be "all of one mind" it's worth "niche influencers" like myself (I KNOW companies, and even lawmakers, can be influenced by a well written complaint, as I've been doing it for years! I claim credit for killing a Kellogs ad campaign in the nineties with a particularly vitriolic communication to the right department and the part of U.K. drone law that lets your kids (and me!) fly a toy in your own back garden... 

Complaining is like planting seeds, and waiting to see which ones sprout. For those who are lacking in funds and powerless it's a very cheap hobby, too.

You just have to do it creatively, and not "whine"...

So how do YOU feel about a trip to the shops?

  • Might write a longer message later, but it isn't that fun, but necessary for me if I am in the mood for eating any sort of fruit, as I can only eat fruit when it is crunchy (some others may call this 'disgustingly underripe') but it means I would never be able to reliably order a mango or something like that online, because it would turn up and I wouldn't be able to eat it...just your normal 'me' problem

  • Might write a longer message later, but it isn't that fun, but necessary for me if I am in the mood for eating any sort of fruit, as I can only eat fruit when it is crunchy (some others may call this 'disgustingly underripe') but it means I would never be able to reliably order a mango or something like that online, because it would turn up and I wouldn't be able to eat it...just your normal 'me' problem

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