The coming shortages...

I'm both a "conspiracy theorist" and a "prepper" yet also a largely normal everyday person.

I don't hide in my basement full of stuff sharpening my knives like some do, but I do take as practical a "be prepared" attitude as I can just like they taught me when I was young...

This winter, even if they manage to keep the power and natural gas supplies running, they are definitely going to fist you all on the price of the commodities.

For those of you who have access to a decent plumber and a place to fit such a thing you ought to look at a solid fuel stove with a back boiler that will work with your central heating NOW. 

I want an aga in the garage so we can heat water and the garage and cook on the thing, but MY oh says now she'd rather use the space for something else that owns that won't save us about a grand a year form now on.

Because you KNOW the price is never going to go down again because of "climate change" as well as the massive trousering of our money that is now happening again...

At least we declined the "smart" meter, so I can reduce our electricity consumption with solar and a grid tie invertor. I'll even get the wind turbine to work again.

A secondary heating boiler for the central heating for those who can, would be a great thing. I made my own fuel out of cardboard, and it burns really nice.

Post Brexit we really want to start innovating again. British style. If the gas and electric are going to become unaffordable then we need to make our own on an individual basis.

I can RELY on a solid fuel gravity fed central hearting system. Yer methane fed, combi boiler with it's microprocessor and requirement for electricity as well as fuel, not so much.

IF the electric starts going off regularly on a nationwide basis there is a way to power your entire homes minimum power requirement (fridge TV LED lights laptop charger mobile phone charger) off a suitcase generator plugged into to a socket on the downstairs ringmain, but it's dangerous (and not in an amusing way) if not done strictly right.

But make sure you get a "four stroke" suitcase generator, if things get that grim..  

  • Everything so expensive. We have an aga in our house and it hasn't been on since last winter because oil is so expensive so we are just using the cooker instead.

    I'm looking forward to when I can get a job, hopefully after being successful at college and then maybe I can help out with cost of things for my parents.

    I can't believe how expensive everything is.

  • Everything so expensive. We have an aga in our house and it hasn't been on since last winter because oil is so expensive so we are just using the cooker instead.

    I'm looking forward to when I can get a job, hopefully after being successful at college and then maybe I can help out with cost of things for my parents.

    I can't believe how expensive everything is.

  • All the prices have gone crazy lately. Gas and electricity will soon become unaffordable for most people. People who still have fireplaces in their houses are lucky. Recently I thought about investing in a solar panel. It's clean and green energy, safer than other sources. Besides, I will save a lot of money. However, my friend suggested not to rush, and first reach out for advice at guys from There are many factors to take into account before setting it up. So the help of a specialized installer is a must-have.