Escaping the system

Work, consume, die and never question why

I believe this is what we are being taught every day. Children at school are not taught to learn, develop, think for themselves and have enquiring minds. They are taught to become part of the system, good little cogs in the wheel, and never question why. Im a teacher so I know this first hand

In adulthood we are taught that the only way to happiness is by acquiring posessions. We are taught we need big houses, nice cars, designer clothes and endless updated technology to be happy. The I phone 14 will soon be out and no doubt Apple will be convincing all the millions that it has technology that wasn't in the first 13 phones, your old phone is now completely inferior and you really need this new one and the £50 a month direct debit contract to be happy! We always need bigger TVs and faster broadband. I find it interesting that in this cost of living crisis (which I am suffering from myself, having lost my job and had my energy bills tripled) the one thing people cannot live without is their smartphones. I honestly think people would rather starve or freeze than give up their phones. Some I think would rather not be able to feed their kids properly than give up their phone. I have just bought a £6 basic LG texting and calling phone from Oxfam and I couldn't be happier with it. We dont need this stuff, its just a marketing trick! I have an old iphone that I dont pay a penny for and just connect to the wi fi to reply to whats app messages but I am thinking of selling it.

Social media deadens the human mind. Endless scrolling has a numbing, almost hypnotising effect and reduces human intelligence. We numb ourselves with social media and endless expensive subscriptions to streaming services where we "consume content"

If you support a football team you have to buy a £70 piece of cheap polyester every few months to show you support them. You have to pay a £120 for a pair of shoes worth £20 just cos it has a tick on the side. 

You are bombarded with adds for deliveroo and uber eats to buy endless takeaways and then bombarded with further adds to pay £50 a month to join a gym to get fit again afterwards. 
Gyms are the biggest con of all. £50 direct debit to do the same exercises indoors that you can do outdoors in the fresh air for free

The only way to acquire all this stuff you "need to be happy" is to work every hour under the sun at a job you hate and never leave it for your whole life. Of course even then you still cant afford everything so you will need the greatest con of all, credit cards, to buy this stuff. You then get into debt and become even more enslaved to the system as then you can never leave your job or you wont be able to pay your debts.

Guess what....... Its all a con! You dont need any of this stuff to be happy and the human race has survived for thousands of years living a simple life without any of it. None of this stuff brings happiness and the more you chase it the more unhappy you will get. 

I am trying to change my life and escape the system. Once you see through it all you can never view life the same again 

  • Some interesting thoughts on here. 

    When I grew up my parents didn't have a lot of money, probably average. Food was quite expensive and we had had basics, some vegetables and fruit grown in the garden. My Mum baked cakes. Chocolate and crisps were treats. My parents were children during the war so were used to being careful. My first tape recorder I bought second hand. Then later saved up for a music centre. I played with friends but also enjoyed my own company.

    I often wonder now how we managed without mobile phones. I do remember once calling my parents from a call box and asking to reverse the charges as I didn't have change.

    I now have a smart phone but only in last few years. I was quite late getting an ordinary mobile phone.

    I guess now due to my upbringing I am content with not many of the latest things. I tend to go for basic things but good enough quality that they last.

    I like re-using things or creating things from something I already have. However I do like a bit of comfort too so I guess I am somewhere in between.

    I agree with those who like to be in nature and I try to walk if I am going somewhere locally.

  • I think that sounds like a good balance. Buying things second hand is such a good idea, and I think when we saved up for things we appreciated them and took care of them more. These days everyone just puts everything on credit which is also part of the con

    Being content without the latest things is a great gift 

  • I'm fortunate to be able to afford a new oil boiler; although the Plumber who inspected my old boiler was being a bit smart with me; as if I had no idea about the Skyrocketing of prices.

    Then, a friend from Belfast, got a little demanding about considering used Boilers. However, I have the money. And I'm beginning to get a grip on my spending habits.

  • I'm fortunate to be able to afford a new oil boiler; although the Plumber who inspected my old boiler was being a bit smart with me; as if I had no idea about the Skyrocketing of prices.

    Then, a friend from Belfast, got a little demanding about considering used Boilers. However, I have the money. And I'm beginning to get a grip on my spending habits.

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