best health and lifestyle investments in yourself you've made

I've got a HM Aeron chair, a Dyson air purifier, a set of Philips Hue lights, and a couple memberships at local boutique boxing and yoga gyms. These investments have done wonders for my mental and physical health.

What fat products and memberships have you found worthwhile?

  • Investments in your own education, health, or comfort can more than pay off or at least reduce any unnecessary expenses. As I see from many comments, people buy air purifiers to improve their health for a nice time in their favorite corner. They buy gym memberships, yoga classes, etc. In my case, I have improved my health by giving up cigarettes, harmful vapes, and other things completely. Instead, I changed the process of smoking to vaping. So on , I bought Mighty Plus vaporizer. With it, my life has changed so much that now I can't stand the smoke from cigarettes.

  • Investments in your own education, health, or comfort can more than pay off or at least reduce any unnecessary expenses. As I see from many comments, people buy air purifiers to improve their health for a nice time in their favorite corner. They buy gym memberships, yoga classes, etc. In my case, I have improved my health by giving up cigarettes, harmful vapes, and other things completely. Instead, I changed the process of smoking to vaping. So on , I bought Mighty Plus vaporizer. With it, my life has changed so much that now I can't stand the smoke from cigarettes.

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