Scared about the heat

Is anyone else worried about Monday and Tuesday? There's a weather warning in place here. It could get to 36-degrees here on Monday! I know it'll be hotter elsewhere but this is still a lot of heat to endure. I'm so scared. I don't want to be ill. Do you think it's likely I'll be ill in this heat? I'm going to try and keep hydrated and stay in, hopefully I'll be ok, but it's still scary. Don't want to end up ill and in hospital.

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  • no idea what TFBR indicate,  It started with a need to entertain myself, and than I noticed that it is happening very often as a response from non-autistic to something that sounds super crazy, but almost believable and plausible, if they have no knowledge in that area. So, I invented the name. I counted amount of blinks once and lost track after a hundred LOL. To me it looks like their brain ends up stuck unable to decide if they should fight, flight or freeze, often when they stop blinkling they just walk past me, as if we were not in conversation, and if I prob them some time later, even 5min later, they have no recollection of the conversation. So what happens during TFBR? Short term memory erasure?

    what? have you never tried experimenting on NTs?

    I do look in direction of their faces, but no eye contact

  • That is interesting. People do seem very complacent about the risks of driving, either to themselves or others. Given the terror that I experience whenever I am in a car, and my complete inability not to forget for one second the potential lethality not only of my own vehicle but of all the ones hurtling towards me, then it would it appear that I fail to go into a trance state! It is all too apparent to me that a good percentage of other drivers have forgotten how easy it is to either die/become injured or cause death/injury whilst in a car. The scary blank and malevolent expressions that disturb me the most though are the ones that drive toward me on narrow country roads, failing to slow down/move over/dim their head lights and, worst of all, failing to smile/wave/acknowledge my presence as I dive into the verge/hedgerow to get out of their way! I like the ones who don't look like zombies, the ones who smile and wave and slow down enough to not raise my cortisol levels so much that any potential benefits of trying to take a walk are negated.

  • "Trance state", that would explain an awful lot of what I see on the road.

  • I heard a podcaster once observe that every driver of necessity goes into a kind of trance state when driving. At one with the road. Were we not to do so, we'd suddenly 'wake up' screaming at random intervals to realise that we're barreling along in something that's potentially lethal/fatal to someone else/us even when going at at he most scrupulously observed speed limit. I try never to go fully into that state, and am thinking 'funnel not tunnel' and '2 second gap' the whole time. But I worry that a moment's complacency some day could have awful consequences for someone. I really hope not. 

  • I noticed that a lot of people have blank and malevolent expressions when they are driving. It really disturbs me!