Drinking Alcohol


This is first thing I've written here, please be gentle.

I have used alcohol to cope with my somewhat tumultuous life since I was 25. I'm now in my 30s. 

I have never entertained the thought that I might be on the spectrum until recently (the past year) when, not only my friends suggested it, but also when I tentatively mentioned it and my own brother didn't bat an eye and said "yeah maybe".  

I'm a little shocked and intrigued. I've since spoken to a specialist who just happened to be a friend of my friend - the conversation I had with her felt so relaxed and like a relief. She even said she'd gone through a period of drinking before she was diagnosed.

I'd really be interested to hear if anyone else has had issues with alcohol

It's not really about wanting to drink per se - it's the focus that it gives, and the relief from all the thoughts and feeling uncomfortable. 

To level out this post, I'll also add that I'm a grown woman with values and good cognitive reasoning - I've also achieved good things in my life - but not as many as I intended!!

H x

  • I don't drink alcohol. I've tried it but I don't like the taste. I'm really sensitive to taste and don't like anything which has a strong taste, so mostly I just drink water and milk. Everything else is a little too much for me to handle.

  • I'm very similar in that regard. Tea and hot water are about it for me. Once in a blue moon, a soft drink rationed over a week in sips, but generally I don't like cold stuff or fizzy stuff. And just thinking about most alcohol makes me gag, even though it's two decades since I set it aside for good.

  • I'll usually stick to water but sometimes I will have a tea but I find it a bit hard to drink. Fizzy stuff is a big no for me. Not only does the taste make me go ugh but it affects my stomach negatively as well. I have IBS and I think it triggers it a little.

  • I'll usually stick to water but sometimes I will have a tea but I find it a bit hard to drink. Fizzy stuff is a big no for me. Not only does the taste make me go ugh but it affects my stomach negatively as well. I have IBS and I think it triggers it a little.

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