Vegan food is great!

These are vegan sausages i used to make a vegan sausage casserole.

  •  You've posted before on here with your Vegan lifestyle. And while it's fine to connect with other vegans, please be incredibly mindful that many Autistic individuals also have a LOT of gut issues which is a massively under-researched situation. 

    I know many like myself, who cannot digest cruciferous veg, 90% of "grains" and pulses, including the peanut which is not a botanical nut. What I cannot digest, have an allergy to and could end up in hospital or worse basically makes up most of a Vegan diet. And being Autistic, desiring to 'fit in' some of the individuals here can be susceptible to things which Are Not Healthy for them. 

    We live in an age of virtue signalling and shaming others into submission to lifestyles and diets like a religion, while corporations get away with over-processing and genetic modifications which far too many of us are the first in society to experience fierce sensitivity to. 3 biological females I know have experienced severe health issues since going Vegan. One had a hysterectomy, another is having breathing problems, severe gas and has just been told to get a hysterectomy and a younger one started having ear infections and losing her hair within 3 months of going vegan. 

    I personally believe western society intakes double if not more than they actually need every day. And that we are intaking nutrient-depleted food. Minerals are stripped from the ground and from water. Humans are eating fruit and veg laced with all kinds of unnatural chemicals. 

    Perhaps fasting one day a week (if you don't have low blood pressure) is good for most. Perhaps eating Vegan one or two days per week is a moderate and sensible thing. 

    But Please be mindful you are not trying to impress, bear down on or create some kind of virtue hail on a site where many turn to overly confused, looking to sort through why they're marginalised and susceptible to any "Rules" possible to escape feeling lonely. Health and Well-being should come first. And that is not found in a diet but thinking holistically and listening to what one's needs are, not forcing the body into something which might be dangerous and, like Veganism, takes a good deal of discipline and Money to do well. x

  •  You've posted before on here with your Vegan lifestyle. And while it's fine to connect with other vegans, please be incredibly mindful that many Autistic individuals also have a LOT of gut issues which is a massively under-researched situation. 

    I know many like myself, who cannot digest cruciferous veg, 90% of "grains" and pulses, including the peanut which is not a botanical nut. What I cannot digest, have an allergy to and could end up in hospital or worse basically makes up most of a Vegan diet. And being Autistic, desiring to 'fit in' some of the individuals here can be susceptible to things which Are Not Healthy for them. 

    We live in an age of virtue signalling and shaming others into submission to lifestyles and diets like a religion, while corporations get away with over-processing and genetic modifications which far too many of us are the first in society to experience fierce sensitivity to. 3 biological females I know have experienced severe health issues since going Vegan. One had a hysterectomy, another is having breathing problems, severe gas and has just been told to get a hysterectomy and a younger one started having ear infections and losing her hair within 3 months of going vegan. 

    I personally believe western society intakes double if not more than they actually need every day. And that we are intaking nutrient-depleted food. Minerals are stripped from the ground and from water. Humans are eating fruit and veg laced with all kinds of unnatural chemicals. 

    Perhaps fasting one day a week (if you don't have low blood pressure) is good for most. Perhaps eating Vegan one or two days per week is a moderate and sensible thing. 

    But Please be mindful you are not trying to impress, bear down on or create some kind of virtue hail on a site where many turn to overly confused, looking to sort through why they're marginalised and susceptible to any "Rules" possible to escape feeling lonely. Health and Well-being should come first. And that is not found in a diet but thinking holistically and listening to what one's needs are, not forcing the body into something which might be dangerous and, like Veganism, takes a good deal of discipline and Money to do well. x

  • and Money

    yes, if you eat meat substutes, or what they advertise as trendy for vegans, and in my opinion that's not what veganism is about.

    otherwise it's cheaper than being meat-eater

    but you still need discipline, for many years at the begining, to stop thinking about eating meat

    anyway it's the future of the mankind, either we want it or not

    though I would be happiest to remain pescaterian/flexiterian