Burnout? I think I may have it

Prior to a post I made, I have been doing some research, and I think the conclusion is that replies made to me were correct- I may be suffering from autistic burnout.

I can tell you, horrible doesn't even begin to ponder on how it feels. At times I feel like a tornado is swirling in my brain, not being able to process anything and barely using enough energy to the most basic day to day tasks like getting out of bed, making myself breakfast, calling someone etc. What is even worse is its affecting my whole person. I feel like I am losing my interests and parts of my personality which makes me... me. I am absolutely terrified of the effect its having on me and I can't bring myself to tell anyone about it. Partly because they will not understand and partly because I'm scared that they might not take me seriously. I am trying desperately to think of ways to combat this. I don't want to lose who I am.

Please help.

  • That's ok, I'm just really glad it helped. Those changes you're making sound really good. Sometimes its just the little things that really help. the audiobook sounds like a good idea. 
    I struggle with getting ready for work in the morning too. I find if I lay out everything I need the night before that helps too.

    The biggest thing I would say is be kind to yourself. Life is so confusing and people make so many demands of us that we forget to be kind to ourselves. Just do little things that you know relax you like watching an epizode of your favourite tv show in the evening or listening to some good music

    I bought this thing called the 6 minute diary as well which has been such a huge help to me, kinda makes me think of positive stuff in my life and asks me questions to get to know myself better

    Hope your changes are still helping, Im here if you need to talk 

  • When I get burnout I just lock myself in the house and hide away from the world, wait for myself to calm down and get back to a stable position where I can actually function again.

  • an autistic person loosing their ability to cope in a able bodied world is very serious.
    been there twice

    the solution is different for each individual but I found reducing inflammation and adrenal stress in my body to lower the frequency of panic attacks and depression. i did this by going on a strict ketogenic diet and binge watched over 30 tv show series to reign in my senses.

    my university studies caused my burn out. its horrible but i hope you get better

  • Hi

    Thank you for your kind reply. I read it yesterday and it gave a real sense of hope. I have been starting to make slight changes to my routine, some that help me with day to day tasks. One is listening to an audiobook in the morning as I believe it helps me get ready for work in the morning. This is my first task I'm combatting at the moment, doing day to day tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Hope I can keep it up, let me know if you have any ideas to help with burnout, please let me know

    Thank you

  • We have low tolerance levels for stress, and this world is stress personified. 

  • Hello,

    I really want to reach out to you over this as I have been through the same thing myself very recently. I couldn't understand why I coulnd't cope with doing things I'd been able to do all my life. I also felt I was losing myslef and who I am. I didn't know what I was interested in or enjoyed anymore and I felt like I didn't know what my personality was. the rornado analogy is exactly how my brain feels sometimes. 

    The good news is it doesn't last forever. I am figuring it out and feel more myslef than ever. I am able to do some things again now but sadly I have had to accept there are some other things I'm not able to do anymore

    The key to dealing with burnout is to recognise what it is which it sounds like youve done. So congratulations for that, youve taken the first and biggest step to making this better.

    I found not putting pressure on myself to do things helped too. Dont try and do everything at once, take some time to yourself, take it slow and just do what feels natural each day. Slowly but surely you will start to feel like you again and you will find a new way of living that works for you

  • Dear NAS63129 - sorry to hear about your situation, but thanks for reaching out.

    And older thread has a number of links that might help: community.autism.org.uk/.../198538