Sensory Triggers & Spoon Theory

I want to start a thread about sensory triggers. What are yours, and how does it effect you?

Also does anyone subscribe to spoon theory?

  • Lights. I hate them. i wear sunglasses indoors and it annoys people.I some time use earphones to dull the noise around me. will occasional wear thick hooded jumpers to focus on certain people to concentrate my hearing. The smell of powdered cheese on quavers and wotsits rapidly decreases my tolerance to stimuli.   

    spoon theory helps but its not a solution. I'm more of a bones or no bones kinda person.

  • Do you have a card? There's a tiny clause in the new laws regarding lights that those of us with sensitivity will still be able to buy filament (which mirrors sunlight rather than flickers off and on at a high speed like LEDs) based bulbs. 

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