Continuing battle with father

Dear All,

I am sorry to post again on the same topic but I do not know what else to do. My elderly father is in his 90s and has multiple health issues but looks twenty years younger. I look after him most of the time when I am not staying at my university residence. The pandemic has caused me to come home and I will be here for, likely, the next year. I am experiencing health issues myself-high blood pressure etc and my father refuses to acknowledge this (or at most he will say that he can do nothing about them). He rages at me and is aggressive or passive-aggressive. He had arranged for builders to start work today-though he was not concerned to get up sufficiently early to meet them. When they arrived he had then started to phone for a plumber.  Later I returned from the local clinic after a blood test. When I expressed surprise that he had still not dressed, he lost his temper. He began to shout at me and grabbed my wrist. I have told him repeatedly that shouting like that will have a negative impact on my health. I said that he would kill me if he kept doing it. I happened to have my car keys in my hand when I pointed at him warning him of this danger. He went mad at me. I said I would have to phone the doctor or the police. He said that no one was going to believe me. [And this is the crux of the matter.] Following the suggestion of a member of this community I phoned and contacted the doctor's surgery. I was really upset.  Eventually, I was put through to a nurse. She said that she would write a note to the doctor but there was nothing else that could be done but I could phone the Samaritans.  Apart from physically locking myself in my bedroom what other practical means can I take to distance myself? Is there anyone else I could contact in the UK?

  • Yeah, I do remember your last post.  I am feeling concerned that your father seems aggressive and you don't sound like you feel safe in your own home.  Please do remember that any actual violence toward you will be technically domestic violence and the police are an option.

    Meanwhile, you aren't coping as a carer and as your father is aging may also have issues that need to be assessed.  That is where carer's support and social services should be stepping in.  I know that you would be entitled to a carer's assessment and I think in most places you can self refer for that.  I don't know a huge amount about how social services work, but it might pay to have a chat to age uk or carer's uk or a like organisation for some proper guidance on what should be happening and how to access some help.

    The response from your GP's surgery is probably a reflection of how busy they are due to the pandemic.  I'm sure if you got an appointment with him/her though they might also be able to make some referrals for you. Sound to me like it's going to take the right person to kick the right bum into action to get you some assistance.

  • Yeah, I do remember your last post.  I am feeling concerned that your father seems aggressive and you don't sound like you feel safe in your own home.  Please do remember that any actual violence toward you will be technically domestic violence and the police are an option.

    Meanwhile, you aren't coping as a carer and as your father is aging may also have issues that need to be assessed.  That is where carer's support and social services should be stepping in.  I know that you would be entitled to a carer's assessment and I think in most places you can self refer for that.  I don't know a huge amount about how social services work, but it might pay to have a chat to age uk or carer's uk or a like organisation for some proper guidance on what should be happening and how to access some help.

    The response from your GP's surgery is probably a reflection of how busy they are due to the pandemic.  I'm sure if you got an appointment with him/her though they might also be able to make some referrals for you. Sound to me like it's going to take the right person to kick the right bum into action to get you some assistance.

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