AQ test

Just did the AQ test,

scored 36 btw.

A couple of the questions were hard to answer,

I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else.

I find it difficult to work out people's intentions.

Both of these things I find easy, basically I think they are pointless and most people usually get them wrong so they are not worth doing. No problem.

When I'm reading a story, I find it difficult to work out the characters' intentions.

Same here, just read the story, no problem. Why work out the characters intentions, they are not real anyway.

I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can't pursue.

I have strong interests, but why get upset ? getting upset is pointless and illogical.

I find it hard to make new friends.

No, I dont try. I dont find it hard at all, I dont want new friends.

I find it easy to do more than one thing at once.

depends what it is. Multitabling poker or playing a chess simul is very easy. Talking is distracting, obviously.

People often tell me that I keep going on and on about the same thing.

Odd question, if you were autistic would you be talking to people often ?

Other people frequently tell me that what I've said is impolite, even though I think it is polite

Well I guess they would if I tried to live in polite society and had lots of conversations, but I dont.

  • I agree with Scorpion. These questionaires are only meant to be a very rough indicator that it might be something you should follow up. When I did it sometime ago I also thought there were some that I didn't fit either way with was an uncomfortable feeling.

    There is one on the SQ about organising a fete! I thought there is no way I would do that as it involves a lot of ringing people and asking them to do things urgh!!

    There is also a more complex view from Simon Baron-Cohen now on empathy, since he wrote the EQ which is quite an old "test".   Empathy is different rather than lacking with me, what is lacking is social understanding if a situation is not one I have learnt about intellectually.

    The "test" I really couldn't do at all was the one on friendship - I kept saying - neither, not relevant.

  • I agree with Scorpion. These questionaires are only meant to be a very rough indicator that it might be something you should follow up. When I did it sometime ago I also thought there were some that I didn't fit either way with was an uncomfortable feeling.

    There is one on the SQ about organising a fete! I thought there is no way I would do that as it involves a lot of ringing people and asking them to do things urgh!!

    There is also a more complex view from Simon Baron-Cohen now on empathy, since he wrote the EQ which is quite an old "test".   Empathy is different rather than lacking with me, what is lacking is social understanding if a situation is not one I have learnt about intellectually.

    The "test" I really couldn't do at all was the one on friendship - I kept saying - neither, not relevant.

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