Medical Phobias and Access to Mental and Physical Health Care

Any one else out there struggling to deal with body or medical phobias?  Possibly provoking melt downs and making it difficult to receive treatment.

Are you able to get any help in coping?

Have you found any solutions?  What works?

  • That's a difficult one because I do have medical phobias and in the past I did try and seek help for them but help seems non existent so I still have them. I did call the doctor and he kept saying right right and told me exposure would help, but it didn't because I still have them but have been exposed to them lots of times and it's still a problem. If help for it does exist I have no idea where to find it.

  • Exposure was tried once for me.  Nop doesn't work, it was making it worse, I think because it's just piling more sensory overload on.

    I wish I just didn't need a body to live, lol.  I'd be just fine then.

  • Yes makes it lot worse I thought that to. I find it leads to massive overload.

    Lol same that would be a dream.

  • Honestly, I tried everything I could, and nothing has helped me get rid of my medical phobias. And, as someone said above, thanks to GOD, I'm not the only one. Many other people actually understand me. All of my medical phobias are basic: needles, blood, and so forth. I hate to see blood. Whenever I go to the doctor and have to take blood, I feel dizzy. But, since my condition got worse, I contacted care home Sudbury Suffolk as I didn't want to be a burden for my daughter.

  • Honestly, I tried everything I could, and nothing has helped me get rid of my medical phobias. And, as someone said above, thanks to GOD, I'm not the only one. Many other people actually understand me. All of my medical phobias are basic: needles, blood, and so forth. I hate to see blood. Whenever I go to the doctor and have to take blood, I feel dizzy. But, since my condition got worse, I contacted care home Sudbury Suffolk as I didn't want to be a burden for my daughter.
