Cutting unpredictable people or people not conducive to an autistic lifestyle out

Can autistic people have a tendency to cut other people out of their lives if they negatively impact their autistic tendencies (and so appearing very hardhearted to outside observers) . Does this result from black/white thinking, over emphasis of rules and a strong need to have people in their lives who are predictable and minimise uncertainty in their own lives.

  • This one is a tricky one for me and depends on the individual really but you make some excellent points to discuss on. Being a person with autism I tend to prefer a small group of friends and family I can talk to but appreciate my own space just as much.

  • This one is a tricky one for me and depends on the individual really but you make some excellent points to discuss on. Being a person with autism I tend to prefer a small group of friends and family I can talk to but appreciate my own space just as much.

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